USD 88,814
3,681 sqft
Implantation area: 115m2; Gross Construction Area: 230m2.
Next to this lot, there are 3 more lots for sale (nº80 and 86).
This urban land is located in the eastern region of the Municipality of Loures - currently in exponential growth due to its location and proximity to the city center of Lisbon. It is located about 10 minutes from the airport and the main accesses: IP7 - North/South Axis; A9 CREL; A1 NORTH and A8 WEST, and is close to schools, supermarkets, restaurants and other conveniences.
Take this opportunity to build your dream home... and so close to the capital!
Curiosity: The toponym Camarate seems to derive from the fact that, in the past, a vine variety called camarate was cultivated here or, alternatively, from the fact that, in the Middle Ages, the Royal Camarata was located here, where our kings stayed overnight when they went to the north of the country.
Energy Rating: Exempt View more View less Potencial (lote 79): Este terreno com 297m2, permite a construção de uma moradia com 2 pisos.
Área implantação: 115m2; Área Bruta de Construção: 230m2.
Junto a este lote, encontram-se mais 3 lotes para venda (nº80 e 86).
Este terreno urbano está localizado na região oriental do Concelho de Loures - atualmente em exponencial crescimento pela sua localização e proximidade ao centro da cidade de Lisboa. Situa-se a cerca de 10 minutos do aeroporto e dos principais acessos: IP7 - Eixo Norte/Sul; A9 CREL; A1 NORTE e A8 OESTE, e está próximo de escolas, supermercados, restaurantes e outras conveniências.
Aproveite esta oportunidade para construir a sua casa de sonho... e tão perto da capital!
Curiosidade: O topónimo Camarate parece derivar do facto de, em tempos, aqui se ter cultivado uma casta de videira chamada camarate ou, em alternativa, pelo facto de, na Idade Média, aqui se situar a Camarata Real, onde pernoitavam os nossos reis, quando se dirigiam para o norte do país.
Categoria Energética: Isento Potencjał (działka 79): Ta działka o powierzchni 297m2, pozwala na budowę willi o 2 kondygnacjach.
Powierzchnia implantacji: 115m2; Powierzchnia zabudowy: 230m2.
Obok tej działki znajdują się jeszcze 3 działki na sprzedaż (nr 80 i 86).
Ten miejski teren znajduje się we wschodnim regionie gminy Loures - obecnie w trendzie wykładniczym ze względu na swoje położenie i bliskość centrum miasta Lizbony. Znajduje się około 10 minut od lotniska i głównych dostępów: IP7 - oś północ/południe; A9 CREL; A1 PÓŁNOC i A8 ZACHÓD i znajduje się w pobliżu szkół, supermarketów, restauracji i innych udogodnień.
Skorzystaj z okazji, aby zbudować swój wymarzony dom... I tak blisko stolicy!
Ciekawostka: Toponim Camarate wydaje się wynikać z faktu, że w przeszłości uprawiano tu odmianę winorośli zwaną camarate lub, alternatywnie, z faktu, że w średniowieczu znajdowała się tu Królewska Camarata, gdzie nasi królowie zatrzymywali się na noc, gdy udawali się na północ kraju.
Klasa energetyczna: Zwolniony Potential (plot 79): This land with 297m2, allows the construction of a villa with 2 floors.
Implantation area: 115m2; Gross Construction Area: 230m2.
Next to this lot, there are 3 more lots for sale (nº80 and 86).
This urban land is located in the eastern region of the Municipality of Loures - currently in exponential growth due to its location and proximity to the city center of Lisbon. It is located about 10 minutes from the airport and the main accesses: IP7 - North/South Axis; A9 CREL; A1 NORTH and A8 WEST, and is close to schools, supermarkets, restaurants and other conveniences.
Take this opportunity to build your dream home... and so close to the capital!
Curiosity: The toponym Camarate seems to derive from the fact that, in the past, a vine variety called camarate was cultivated here or, alternatively, from the fact that, in the Middle Ages, the Royal Camarata was located here, where our kings stayed overnight when they went to the north of the country.
Energy Rating: Exempt