Commercial - For sale
  • Novigrad


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Business opportunity for sale in Novigrad

USD 976,579

Business opportunity (For sale)

388,491 sqft
Reference: JXYQ-T2561 / 12980
Jasenice, agricultural land of approx. 36.092 m2, outside the boundaries of the construction area but about a hundred meters away from the construction zone.
It has a regular shape with an asphalt road access.
South-western orientation, in a quiet area, approx. 2400 m distanced from the sea.
Ideal for rural tourism or OPG.
For the ecological development of various plant crops (immortelle, sage, lavender, olives, figs, etc.)
Electricity and water are next to the plot.
In the immediate vicinity of the Zagreb - Split highway and Zadar Airport.
The municipality of Jasenice is located on the coast of the Novigrad Sea, surrounded by national parks, and the proximity to the city of Zadar gives it a special value. - ID: 12980
View more View less Jasenice, Ackerland von ca. 36.092 m2, außerhalb der Grenzen des Baugebiets, aber etwa hundert Meter von der Bauzone entfernt.
Es hat eine regelmäßige Form mit einer asphaltierten Straßenzufahrt.
Süd-West-Ausrichtung, ruhig gelegen, ca. 2400 m vom Meer entfernt.
Ideal für ländlichen Tourismus oder OPG.
Für die ökologische Entwicklung verschiedener Pflanzenkulturen (Immortelle, Salbei, Lavendel, Oliven, Feigen usw.)
Strom und Wasser befinden sich neben dem Grundstück.
In unmittelbarer Nähe der Autobahn Zagreb - Split und des Flughafens Zadar.
Die Gemeinde Jasenice liegt an der Küste des Novigrader Meeres, umgeben von Nationalparks, und die Nähe zur Stadt Zadar verleiht ihr einen besonderen Wert. - ID: 12980
Jasenice, poljoprivredno zemljište površine cca. 36.092 m2, izvan granica građevinskog područja, ali udaljeno stotinjak metara od građevinske zone.
Pravilnog je oblika s pristupnom asfaltiranom cestom.
Jugozapadne orjentacije, u mirnom predjelu, udaljeno od mora cca. 2400 m.
Idealno za seoski turizam ili OPG
Za ekološki razvoj raznih biljnjih kultura ( smilje, kadulja, lavanda, masline, smokve i sl. )
Struja i voda su uz parcelu. 
U neposrednoj blizini autoceste Zagreb – Split te Zračne Luke Zadar.
Općina Jasenice smještena je obali Novigradskog mora, okružena  nacionalnim parkovima i parkovima prirode, a blizina grada Zadra daje  posebnu vrijednost. - ID: 12980
Jasenice, Сельскохозяйственная земля ок. 36.092 м2, за пределами зоны строительства, но примерно в ста метрах от зоны строительства.
Он имеет правильную форму с подъездом к асфальтированной дороге.
Юго-западная ориентация, в тихом районе, ок. 2400 м от моря.
Идеально подходит для сельского туризма или ОПГ.
Для экологического развития различных растительных культур (бессмертника, шалфея, лаванды, оливок, инжира и др.)
Электричество и вода рядом с участком.
В непосредственной близости от шоссе Загреб - Сплит и аэропорта Задар.
Муниципалитет Ясенице расположен на берегу Новиградского моря, в окружении национальных парков, а близость к городу Задар придает ему особую ценность. - ID: 12980
Jasenice, agricultural land of approx. 36.092 m2, outside the boundaries of the construction area but about a hundred meters away from the construction zone.
It has a regular shape with an asphalt road access.
South-western orientation, in a quiet area, approx. 2400 m distanced from the sea.
Ideal for rural tourism or OPG.
For the ecological development of various plant crops (immortelle, sage, lavender, olives, figs, etc.)
Electricity and water are next to the plot.
In the immediate vicinity of the Zagreb - Split highway and Zadar Airport.
The municipality of Jasenice is located on the coast of the Novigrad Sea, surrounded by national parks, and the proximity to the city of Zadar gives it a special value. - ID: 12980
Reference: JXYQ-T2561
Country: HR
City: Zadarsko-kninska
Postal code: 23243
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Property subtype: Agriculture & Horticulture
Property size: 388,491 sqft
Quiet place: Yes
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