House & Single-family home (For sale)
lot 12,486 sqft
/ 9192
The property currently develops on a single level, and offers a variety of possibilities for development, thus fully customizing it according to your needs and personal tastes. The property measures approximately 110 sqm, in addition to a porch, and is characterized by large arches that in view of the renovation lend themselves to becoming French windows and making the house very bright. The private garden measures approximately 1,000 sqm and is surrounded by a splendid olive grove. The property awaits you in one of the most exclusive areas of the Capalbio coast bordering the brand new "Ovile di Capalbio", just a short distance from the Burano Oasis and the beaches of Chiarone and Macchiatonda. A distinctive feature of the property is certainly its privileged position, surrounded by a natural landscape: it ranges from the splendid Argentario promontory, symbol of the Tuscan coast, to Lake Burano, a body of water of rare beauty. This rustic farmhouse represents an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a corner of paradise in the Tuscan countryside, with the possibility of customizing the property in every aspect to meet your needs and preferences. A place to live in harmony with architecture and nature, immersed in an ambiance of serenity and tranquillity.The property needs renovation.Water and electricity are present, but the systems need to be updated during the renovation works.Ideal as a main residence or as a holiday home, with excellent tourist rental opportunities.The property awaits you in one of the most exclusive areas of the Capalbio coast bordering the brand new "Ovile di Capalbio", just a short distance from the Burano Oasis and the beaches of Chiarone and Macchiatonda.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered to a natural person/s and the sale will be subject to registration tax in accordance with current regulations (see costs of purchasing from a private individual).
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Die Immobilie erstreckt sich auf einer Ebene und bietet zahlreiche Ausbaumöglichkeiten, um die Immobilie ganz nach den eigenen Bedürfnissen und dem persönlichen Geschmack zu gestalten. Das Gebäude hat eine Fläche von ca. 110 Quadratmetern, zuzüglich eines Portikus, und verfügt über große Öffnungen, die im Rahmen der Renovierung zu Fenstertüren umfunktioniert werden können und das Haus sehr hell machen. Der Garten, der ausschließlich dem Haus gehört, hat eine Fläche von ca. 1000 Quadratmetern und ist von einem wunderschönen Olivenhain umgeben. Das Anwesen befindet sich in einer der exklusivsten Regionen der Küste von Capalbio und grenzt an das neue „Ovile di Capalbio“, nicht weit entfernt von der Oase Burano und den Stränden von Chiarone und Macchiatonda. Die Lage des Anwesens, umgeben von der umliegenden Landschaft, ist zweifellos ein besonderes Highlight. Vom herrlichen Argentario, dem Wahrzeichen der toskanischen Küste, bis hin zum Lago di Burano, einem Wasserspiegel von seltener Schönheit. Dieses Landhaus ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, ein Stück Paradies in der Toskana zu erwerben, mit der Möglichkeit, die Immobilie in jeder Hinsicht an die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben anzupassen. Ein Ort, an dem man im Einklang mit der Architektur und der Natur leben kann, eingebettet in eine Atmosphäre der Ruhe und Beschaulichkeit.Die Immobilie ist renovierungsbedürftig.Wasser und Strom sind vorhanden, aber die Installationen müssen im Rahmen der Renovierungsarbeiten überprüft werden.Ideal als Hauptwohnsitz oder Feriendomizil, wobei sich das Haus auch hervorragend für die Vermietung an Touristen eignet.Das Anwesen befindet sich in einer der exklusivsten Regionen der Küste von Capalbio und grenzt an das neue „Ovile di Capalbio“, nicht weit entfernt von der Oase Burano und den Stränden von Chiarone und Macchiatonda.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.Die Immobilie ist auf den Namen einer oder mehrerer natürlicher Personen eingetragen und der Verkauf unterliegt der Grunderwerbssteuer gemäß den geltenden Vorschriften (siehe Kosten des privaten Kaufs).
La proprietà attualmente si sviluppa su un unico livello ed è divisa internamente in due ambienti; presenta numerose possibilità di sviluppo, potendo personalizzare completamente l'immobile a seconda delle proprie esigenze e gusti personali. L'immobile misura circa 110 mq, oltre ad un portico ed è caratterizzato da ampie aperture che in vista della ristrutturazione si prestano a diventare porte finestre e a rendere la casa molto luminosa. Il giardino di proprietà esclusiva misura circa 1000 mq ed è circondato da uno splendido uliveto. La proprietà si trova in una delle zone più esclusive del litorale di Capalbio, confinante con il nuovissimo complesso “Ovile di Capalbio” e a poca distanza dall’Oasi di Burano e dalle spiagge di Chiarone e di Macchiatonda. Uno dei punti di forza della proprietà è sicuramente la posizione, circondato dal paesaggio circostante: si spazia dallo splendido promontorio dell'Argentario, simbolo della costa toscana, fino al lago di Burano, specchio d'acqua di rara bellezza.La proprietà necessita di una ristrutturazione.Acqua ed elettricità sono presenti, ma sono da rivedere gli impianti al momento dei lavori di ristrutturazione.Ideale come residenza principale o come casa per le vacanze, con ottime opportunità di affitti turistici.La proprietà è posta in una delle zone più esclusive del litorale di Capalbio confinante con il nuovissimo “Ovile di Capalbio” a poca distanza dall’Oasi di Burano e dalle spiagge di Chiarone e di Macchiatonda.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.L'immobile è intestato a persona/e fisica/e e la vendita sarà soggetta a imposta di registro secondo le normative vigenti (vedi costi di acquisto da privato).
В настоящее время дом на одном уровне разделен на два пространства и имеет различные варианты для обустройства в соответствии с собственными потребностями и личными вкусами. Площадь дома, помимо портика, составляет около 110 кв.м; отличительными особенностями являются большие проемы, которые, будучи на стадии ремонта могут стать французскими окнами, что обеспечит хорошее естественное освещение интерьерам. Частный сад/двор площадью около 1000 кв. м окружен красивой оливковой рощей. Недвижимость расположена в одном из самых эксклюзивных районов побережья Капальбио, на границе с новым комплексом "Овиле ди Капальбио" и в нескольких минутах от оазиса Бурано и пляжей Кьяроне и Маккьятонда. Одной из сильных сторон недвижимости, безусловно, является ее расположение в восхитительном природном контексте - рядом с великолепным мысом Арджентарио - символом тосканского побережья, и озером Бурано - с зеркальной водной поверхностью редкой красоты.
The property currently develops on a single level, and offers a variety of possibilities for development, thus fully customizing it according to your needs and personal tastes. The property measures approximately 110 sqm, in addition to a porch, and is characterized by large arches that in view of the renovation lend themselves to becoming French windows and making the house very bright. The private garden measures approximately 1,000 sqm and is surrounded by a splendid olive grove. The property awaits you in one of the most exclusive areas of the Capalbio coast bordering the brand new "Ovile di Capalbio", just a short distance from the Burano Oasis and the beaches of Chiarone and Macchiatonda. A distinctive feature of the property is certainly its privileged position, surrounded by a natural landscape: it ranges from the splendid Argentario promontory, symbol of the Tuscan coast, to Lake Burano, a body of water of rare beauty. This rustic farmhouse represents an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a corner of paradise in the Tuscan countryside, with the possibility of customizing the property in every aspect to meet your needs and preferences. A place to live in harmony with architecture and nature, immersed in an ambiance of serenity and tranquillity.The property needs renovation.Water and electricity are present, but the systems need to be updated during the renovation works.Ideal as a main residence or as a holiday home, with excellent tourist rental opportunities.The property awaits you in one of the most exclusive areas of the Capalbio coast bordering the brand new "Ovile di Capalbio", just a short distance from the Burano Oasis and the beaches of Chiarone and Macchiatonda.For each property offered, the Great Estate group conducts – via the seller's technician – a technical due diligence. This allows us to know in detail the urbanistic planning and cadastral circumstances of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of a real interest in the property.The property is registered to a natural person/s and the sale will be subject to registration tax in accordance with current regulations (see costs of purchasing from a private individual).
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Lot size:
12,486 sqft