Agricultural land of 12,501 m2 for sale in a great location. The land is located right next to the paved road away from the town of Supetar about ten minutes drive. There is water and electricity next to the plot. The land offers fantastic views of the sea and the entire length of the coast from... For this property contact our agent on telephone number +385 91 230 0186.More on, ID: 451709 Direct link:
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Agricultural land of 12,501 m2 for sale in a great location. The land is located right next to the paved road away from the town of Supetar about ten minutes drive. There is water and electricity next to the plot. The land offers fantastic views of the sea and the entire length of the coast from... For this property contact our agent on telephone number +385 91 230 0186.More on, ID: 451709 Direct link:
Direct link: View more View less Agricultural land of 12,501 m2 for sale in a great location. The land is located right next to the paved road away from the town of Supetar about ten minutes drive. There is water and electricity next to the plot. The land offers fantastic views of the sea and the entire length of the coast from... For this property contact our agent on telephone number +385 91 230 0186.More on, ID: 451709
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