House & single-family home for sale in Zoppola
USD 1,570,369
House & Single-family home (For sale)
11 ba
12,658 sqft
/ 9617
In the province of Pordenone, in a charming rural area in close contact with nature, this villa for sale is a fantastic example of bioclimatic architecture. This magnificent estate, just an hour from the renowned Venice, Lignano Sabbiadoro and Cortina, boasts a 1900s stone house covered in jasmine, and a second independent building for a total area of 1,150 sqm. Its 7,600-sqm park offers a swimming pool and a riding arena with stables. The villa has three levels and offers 4 bedrooms, including a master suite with a bathroom and sauna on the first floor. The 200-sqm ground floor also includes accommodation for staff, while the roof has a sun terrace offering breathtaking views. Opposite the main house is the second building, used as a cultural centre, boasting 19 bedrooms and the ability to sit up to 50 people at the table. Conceived according to the highest standards of bioclimatic architecture, the house takes advantage of the natural properties of its area, to reduce energy requirements and ensure high thermal comfort in any season. The position, orientation and shape of the building, as well as the use of biocompatible and hypoallergenic materials, the size of the windows and the use of the vegetation present, therefore come into play in order to create a comfortable environment and an example of "Quiet Luxury". Ref: 9617
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Una residenza di campagna in vendita con ampio parco nel cuore di una caratteristica cittadina friulana, in provincia di Pordenone, a solo un'ora da Venezia e ancora meno da Lignano Sabbiadoro. Concepita secondo i più alti standard di architettura bioclimatica, che si contraddistingue per la particolare attenzione al rispetto delle caratteristiche paesaggistiche preesistenti in fase di costruzione, la casa sfrutta le proprietà naturali della zona in cui sorge, tra cui clima, vegetazione, topografia e geologia del suolo, per ridurre il fabbisogno energetico e garantire un elevato comfort termico in qualsiasi stagione dell'anno. Una volta varcato il cancello d'ingresso, un grande parco di 7.600 mq circa ospita una bella piscina e un maneggio con box per 8 cavalli. Perfettamente curato a prato con alberi ad alto fusto, il giardino comprende anche una parte dedicata a bosco. La residenza si compone della splendida villa padronale, una costruzione in pietra e calce del 1900 ricoperta da gelsomino, e di un secondo fabbricato indipendente destinato a centro culturale in posizione antistante, per una superficie interna complessiva di 1.150 mq. Rif. 9617
Продаётся роскошная вилла в живописной фриульской местности недалеко от Порденоне. Она представляет собой ультрасовременный пример биоклиматической архитектуры, сочетающейся с окружающей природой. Расположена всего в часе езды от Венеции и Линьяно Саббьядоро. В составе поместья главная вилла, построенная в 1900 году, и отдельное здание площадью 1 150 кв.м. В парке площадью около 7 600 кв.м. есть бассейн и школа верховой езды на 8 лошадей. Расположенное в Порденоне, городе известном своей красотой и культурными событиями, поместье отвечает высоким стандартам биоклиматической архитектуры, обеспечивая комфорт и энергоэффективность. Вилла имеет большой парк с виноградником и лесным массивом, а также элегантную главную резиденцию с четырьмя спальнями и пространством для обслуживающего персонала. Рядом расположено второе здание, используемое как культурный центр. Ссылка: 9617
In the province of Pordenone, in a charming rural area in close contact with nature, this villa for sale is a fantastic example of bioclimatic architecture. This magnificent estate, just an hour from the renowned Venice, Lignano Sabbiadoro and Cortina, boasts a 1900s stone house covered in jasmine, and a second independent building for a total area of 1,150 sqm. Its 7,600-sqm park offers a swimming pool and a riding arena with stables. The villa has three levels and offers 4 bedrooms, including a master suite with a bathroom and sauna on the first floor. The 200-sqm ground floor also includes accommodation for staff, while the roof has a sun terrace offering breathtaking views. Opposite the main house is the second building, used as a cultural centre, boasting 19 bedrooms and the ability to sit up to 50 people at the table. Conceived according to the highest standards of bioclimatic architecture, the house takes advantage of the natural properties of its area, to reduce energy requirements and ensure high thermal comfort in any season. The position, orientation and shape of the building, as well as the use of biocompatible and hypoallergenic materials, the size of the windows and the use of the vegetation present, therefore come into play in order to create a comfortable environment and an example of "Quiet Luxury". Ref: 9617
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Property size:
12,658 sqft