House & single-family home for sale in Pontassieve
House & Single-family home (For sale)
3 ba
4,844 sqft
/ 9987
On the Chianti hills there is a magnificent suburban estate, built in 1600. The area of the house is 450 square meters, and the site occupies 8.4 hectares. The main building is made in a classic Tuscan style of stone and is surrounded by a picturesque park. The house was restored with attention to the details and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable residence. On the ground floor there are a spacious kitchen, a large living room with a fireplace and a room that can be used as a cellar or pantry. On the second floor there is a cozy living room and a sleeping area with three large bedrooms and two bathrooms. The suburban estate set also includes an old XV century and two -room apartments, as well as a beautiful garden with a panoramic basin. The place is ideal for those who are looking for solitude and calm, as well as for studying the beauty of Tuscany, including nearby cities, such as Florence, Pisa and Siena. Ref: 9987
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On the Chianti hills there is a magnificent suburban estate, built in 1600. The area of the house is 450 square meters, and the site occupies 8.4 hectares. The main building is made in a classic Tuscan style of stone and is surrounded by a picturesque park. The house was restored with attention to the details and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable residence. On the ground floor there are a spacious kitchen, a large living room with a fireplace and a room that can be used as a cellar or pantry. On the second floor there is a cozy living room and a sleeping area with three large bedrooms and two bathrooms. The suburban estate set also includes an old XV century and two -room apartments, as well as a beautiful garden with a panoramic basin. The place is ideal for those who are looking for solitude and calm, as well as for studying the beauty of Tuscany, including nearby cities, such as Florence, Pisa and Siena. Ref: 9987
Magnifica tenuta di campagna risalente al 1600 in vendita tra le dolci colline del Chianti, tra Pontassieve e Rufina, a meno di un'ora di distanza da Firenze Questa affascinante proprietà è incastonata in un parco suggestivo e sorge su un terreno totale di 8,4 ettari. Il casale, lussuosamente ristrutturato, si estende per una superficie di 450 mq e vanta una splendida piscina con una vista spettacolare. La sua posizione appartata nella natura offre un'oasi di tranquillità e privacy, lontano da altre abitazioni. L'edificio principale rappresenta un classico esempio di casolare toscano in pietra, avvolto pittorescamente da erica, e si sviluppa su due piani. La tenuta di campagna include inoltre un antico fienile risalente al XV secolo di 140 mq e un grazioso bilocale adiacente alla residenza principale di 50 mq. Questi due edifici, finemente ristrutturati, si trovano a breve distanza l'uno dall'altro e dispongono entrambi di un'ampia terrazza esterna arredata. Il casale è circondato dal verde, con un giardino curato nei minimi dettagli, che ospita una splendida area solarium raggiungibile attraverso un incantevole viale alberato. Qui si trova una spaziosa piscina panoramica di 14x7 metri, immersa in un vasto parco all'aperto, tra ulivi, castagni e abeti. In questa area è presente anche un rudere di un'antica torre di avvistamento risalente all'anno 1000, che potrebbe essere restaurato per creare un ulteriore unità abitativa. Rif. 9987
На холмах Кьянти расположено великолепное загородное поместье, построенное в 1600 году. Площадь дома составляет 450 квадратных метров, а участок занимает 8,4 гектара. Главное здание выполнено в классическом тосканском стиле из камня и окружено живописным парком. Дом был отреставрирован с вниманием к деталям и оборудован всем необходимым для комфортного проживания. На первом этаже находятся просторная кухня, большая гостиная с камином и помещение, которое можно использовать как погреб или кладовую. На втором этаже расположена уютная гостиная и спальная зона с тремя большими спальнями и двумя ванными комнатами. В комплект загородного поместья также входят старинный амбар XV века и двухкомнатные апартаменты, а также прекрасный сад с панорамным бассейном. Место идеально подходит для тех, кто ищет уединение и спокойствие, а также для изучения красот Тосканы, включая близлежащие города, такие как Флоренция, Пиза и Сиена. Ссылка: 9987
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Property size:
4,844 sqft