Commercial - For sale
  • Novigrad


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Business opportunity (For sale)

42,316 sqft
Reference: UYII-T1649 / 20758
Where mountains, sea and sunsets meet, this is where this unique property is! NovigradThe preliminary design envisages reconstruction of the building within the contours of the existing building, with an increase in height to 13.0 m from the level of flattened natural terrain adjacent to the object (+10.35 m) on the northwest side of the object, while the terrain on the east side (road) adjacent to the object + 12.15 m - +12.05 m. The last floor is retracted 3.0 m from the line facade.The planned hotel in terms of amenities and sizes would be of 4 * in quality and standard. The main entrance to the hotel is foreseen on the south side. On the north side, is economic entrance via the ramp to the 1st floor. Parking is foreseen for 20 vehicles owned by the hotel and for 12 vehicles on the rented parcel to the hotel (32 PS - 1PS per 2 AU. units in total).On the ground floor there is a reception with an entrance hall and a restaurant with a kitchen, in the basement there would be a small wellness center and a multifunctional hall, as well as service facilities. On the floors (3) there are rooms for 1 family and 17 double rooms, one of which would be an affordable hotel room. The attic would have 7 hotel suites and 1 double room. In total, the facility would have 62 in 4 * quality accommodation units.This property is not only an investment, but a complete business! Don`t miss this phenomenal investment opportunity!
- all materials planned to be installed are in accordance with European standards,
- taking over an existing company and business, as well as the possibility of hiring an existing workforce,
- valuation of existing real estate,
- all business contacts and contacts for cooperation with travel agencies and related activities,
- feasibility study of the new facility as well as financial evaluation of the new project.
- complete business for sale - a company with assets!THE FINANCIAL STATUS OF AN EXISTING OBJECT CAN BE OBTAINED AS WELL AS ESTIMATED VALUE OF REAL ESTATE ON REQUEST AND WITH A LETTER OF INTENTION.With the purchase of an existing facility with a new building permit, the new owner will also receive a feasibility study (market study, project concept and financial feasibility study of the new hotel), which is already passed over to HBOR (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development ), WHAT ALLOWS THE NEW OWNER TO EASILY OBTAIN FINANCIAL FUNDS TO BUILD A NEW HOTEL!For any additional information and to arrange a tour, feel free to contact us at any time with confidence.NOTE:
Agency fee not included in the price!For more information:Bc. Monika SUNARA
Tel: ...
Email: ... Mag. Marina BAREŠIĆ
Tel: ...
Email: ... ID NEKRETNINE: 20419340N
View more View less Where mountains, sea and sunsets meet, this is where this unique property is! NovigradThe preliminary design envisages reconstruction of the building within the contours of the existing building, with an increase in height to 13.0 m from the level of flattened natural terrain adjacent to the object (+10.35 m) on the northwest side of the object, while the terrain on the east side (road) adjacent to the object + 12.15 m - +12.05 m. The last floor is retracted 3.0 m from the line facade.The planned hotel in terms of amenities and sizes would be of 4 * in quality and standard. The main entrance to the hotel is foreseen on the south side. On the north side, is economic entrance via the ramp to the 1st floor. Parking is foreseen for 20 vehicles owned by the hotel and for 12 vehicles on the rented parcel to the hotel (32 PS - 1PS per 2 AU. units in total).On the ground floor there is a reception with an entrance hall and a restaurant with a kitchen, in the basement there would be a small wellness center and a multifunctional hall, as well as service facilities. On the floors (3) there are rooms for 1 family and 17 double rooms, one of which would be an affordable hotel room. The attic would have 7 hotel suites and 1 double room. In total, the facility would have 62 in 4 * quality accommodation units.This property is not only an investment, but a complete business! Don`t miss this phenomenal investment opportunity!
- all materials planned to be installed are in accordance with European standards,
- taking over an existing company and business, as well as the possibility of hiring an existing workforce,
- valuation of existing real estate,
- all business contacts and contacts for cooperation with travel agencies and related activities,
- feasibility study of the new facility as well as financial evaluation of the new project.
- complete business for sale - a company with assets!THE FINANCIAL STATUS OF AN EXISTING OBJECT CAN BE OBTAINED AS WELL AS ESTIMATED VALUE OF REAL ESTATE ON REQUEST AND WITH A LETTER OF INTENTION.With the purchase of an existing facility with a new building permit, the new owner will also receive a feasibility study (market study, project concept and financial feasibility study of the new hotel), which is already passed over to HBOR (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development ), WHAT ALLOWS THE NEW OWNER TO EASILY OBTAIN FINANCIAL FUNDS TO BUILD A NEW HOTEL!For any additional information and to arrange a tour, feel free to contact us at any time with confidence.NOTE:
Agency fee not included in the price!For more information:Bc. Monika SUNARA
Tel: ...
Email: ... Mag. Marina BAREŠIĆ
Tel: ...
Email: ... ID NEKRETNINE: 20419340N
Gdje se susreću planine, more i zalasci sunca, tu se nalazi ova jedinstvena nekretnina s ogromnim potencijalom! NovigradPrema idejnom projektu predviđa se rekonstrukcija objekta unutar kontura postojećeg objekta, s povećanjem visine na 13,0 m od kote zaravnatog prirodnog terena uz objekt ( +10.35 m) sa sjeverozapadne strane objekta, dok je teren s istočne strane ( prometnica) uz objekt oko +12.15 m - +12.05 m. Zadnju etaža je uvučenu za 3,0 m od linije pročelja.Predviđeni hotel po sadržaju i veličinama bi bio kvalitete i standarda 4*. Glavni ulaz u hotel predviđa se s južne strane. Sa sjeverne strane predviđa se gospodarski ulaz preko rampe u -1 etažu. Parkiralište se predviđa za 20 vozila n u vlasništvu hotela, te za 12 vozila na unajmljenoj čestici do hotela (ukupno 32 PM - 1PM na 2 sm. jedinice).U prizemlju se predviđa recepcija s ulaznom halom, te restoran s kuhinjom, u podrumu bi se smjestio mali wellness centar i multifunkcionalna dvorana, te servisni sadržaji. Na etažama (3) su smještene sobe i to po 1 obiteljska i 17 dvokrevetnih od kojih bi jedna bila pristupačna hotelska soba. U potkrovlju bi bila smještena 7 hotelska apartmana i 1 dvokrevetna soba. Ukupno bi objekt imao 62 smještajne jedinice kvalitete 4*.Ova nekretnina nije samo investicija, nego posao u kompletu! Ulog koji je šteta propustiti:
- svi materijali koji se planiraju ugraditi su po europskim standardima,
- preuzimanje postojeće firme i posla, kao i mogućnost zapošljavanja postojeće radne snage koji su već uhodani u hotelu.
- procjena vrijednost postojeće nekretnine,
- svi poslovni kontakti i kontakti za suradnje s turističkim agencijama i povezanim djelatnostima,
- studija izvodljivosti novog objekta kao i financijska ocjena novog projekta.
- prodaje se komplet poslovanje - firma s imovinom!MOŽE SE DOBITI UVID U FINANCIJSKO STANJE POSTOJEĆEG OBJEKTA KAO I PROCJENU VRIJEDNOSTI NEKRETNINE NA UPIT I UZ PISMO NAMJERE.UZ KUPNJU POSTOJEĆEG OBJEKTA S NOVOM GRAĐEVINSKOM DOZVOLOM, NOVOM VLASNIKU ĆE PRIPASTI I STUDIJA IZVODLJIVOSTI (Studija tržišta, koncept projekta i financijska studija izvodljivosti novog hotela) KOJA JE VEĆ PREDANA NA UVID HBOR-U, ŠTO NOVOM VLASNIKU OMOGUĆAVA BRŽE DOBIVANJE FINANCIJSKIH SREDSTAVA ZA IZGRADNJU NOVOG HOTELA!Za sve dodatne informacije i dogovor o terminu obilaska, slobodno nas u bilo kojem trenutku kontaktirajte s povjerenjem.Za više informacija:Bc. Monika SUNARA
Tel: ...
Email: ... Mag. Marina BAREŠIĆ
Tel: ...
Email: ... ID NEKRETNINE: 20419340N
Reference: UYII-T1649
Country: HR
City: Novigrad
Postal code: 23312
Category: Commercial
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Business opportunity
Property subtype: Bar, Hotel, Restaurant
Property size: 42,316 sqft
Heating System: Collective
Parkings: 1
Air-conditioning: Yes
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