Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.BUILDING LAND WITH PERMIT IN A QUIET LOCATIONWe are selling a building plot (the permit will be issued by June 2025) with a project for a small family house. All connections are 20m away from the field and can be reached via an asphalted road.The land is ideal for a small family house or a holiday home in an extremely quiet location that is completely surrounded by nature and with an open view of the forest and greenery.Complete intimacy is a great advantage of this terrain.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović Suradnik u procesu obuke Mob: 0992770405 Tel: 051403771 E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr www.joda-nekretnine.hr
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Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.BAUGRUNDSTÜCK MIT GENEHMIGUNG IN RUHIGER LAGEWir verkaufen ein Baugrundstück (die Genehmigung wird bis Juni 2025 erteilt) mit einem Projekt für ein kleines Einfamilienhaus. Alle Anschlüsse sind 20m vom Feld entfernt und über eine asphaltierte Straße erreichbar.Das Grundstück ist ideal für ein kleines Familienhaus oder ein Ferienhaus in äußerst ruhiger Lage, komplett umgeben von Natur und mit freiem Blick auf den Wald und das Grüne.Völlige Intimität ist ein großer Vorteil dieses Geländes.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović Suradnik u procesu obuke Mob: 0992770405 Tel: 051403771 E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr www.joda-nekretnine.hr
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.GRAĐEVINSKI TEREN SA DOZVOLOM NA MIRNOJ LOKACIJIProdajemo građevinski teren (dozvola će biti izdana do 6.2025. godine) sa projektom za manju obiteljsku kuću. Svi priključci su udaljeni 20m od terena te se do njega dolazi asfaltiranom cestom.Teren idealan za manju obiteljsku kuću ili kuću za odmor na izuzetno mirnoj lokaciji koja je u potpunosti okružena prirodom i s otvorenim pogledom na šumu i zelenilo.Potpuna intima je velika prednost ovog terena.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 6478Igor Zubović Suradnik u procesu obuke Mob: 0992770405 Tel: 051403771 E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr www.joda-nekretnine.hr
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović Suradnik u procesu obuke Mob: 0992770405 Tel: 051403771 E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr www.joda-nekretnine.hr
Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.BUILDING LAND WITH PERMIT IN A QUIET LOCATIONWe are selling a building plot (the permit will be issued by June 2025) with a project for a small family house. All connections are 20m away from the field and can be reached via an asphalted road.The land is ideal for a small family house or a holiday home in an extremely quiet location that is completely surrounded by nature and with an open view of the forest and greenery.Complete intimacy is a great advantage of this terrain.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović Suradnik u procesu obuke Mob: 0992770405 Tel: 051403771 E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr www.joda-nekretnine.hr
All connections are 20m away from the field and can be reached via an asphalted road.The land is ideal for a small family house or a holiday home in an extremely quiet location that is completely surrounded by nature and with an open view of the forest and greenery.Complete intimacy is a great advantage of this terrain.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: 0992770405
Tel: 051403771
E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr
www.joda-nekretnine.hr View more View less Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.BAUGRUNDSTÜCK MIT GENEHMIGUNG IN RUHIGER LAGEWir verkaufen ein Baugrundstück (die Genehmigung wird bis Juni 2025 erteilt) mit einem Projekt für ein kleines Einfamilienhaus.
Alle Anschlüsse sind 20m vom Feld entfernt und über eine asphaltierte Straße erreichbar.Das Grundstück ist ideal für ein kleines Familienhaus oder ein Ferienhaus in äußerst ruhiger Lage, komplett umgeben von Natur und mit freiem Blick auf den Wald und das Grüne.Völlige Intimität ist ein großer Vorteil dieses Geländes.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: 0992770405
Tel: 051403771
E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr
www.joda-nekretnine.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.GRAĐEVINSKI TEREN SA DOZVOLOM NA MIRNOJ LOKACIJIProdajemo građevinski teren (dozvola će biti izdana do 6.2025. godine) sa projektom za manju obiteljsku kuću.
Svi priključci su udaljeni 20m od terena te se do njega dolazi asfaltiranom cestom.Teren idealan za manju obiteljsku kuću ili kuću za odmor na izuzetno mirnoj lokaciji koja je u potpunosti okružena prirodom i s otvorenim pogledom na šumu i zelenilo.Potpuna intima je velika prednost ovog terena.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 6478Igor Zubović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: 0992770405
Tel: 051403771
E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr
www.joda-nekretnine.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: 0992770405
Tel: 051403771
E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr
www.joda-nekretnine.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Kraljevica, Bakarac.BUILDING LAND WITH PERMIT IN A QUIET LOCATIONWe are selling a building plot (the permit will be issued by June 2025) with a project for a small family house.
All connections are 20m away from the field and can be reached via an asphalted road.The land is ideal for a small family house or a holiday home in an extremely quiet location that is completely surrounded by nature and with an open view of the forest and greenery.Complete intimacy is a great advantage of this terrain.ID CODE: 6478Igor Zubović
Suradnik u procesu obuke
Mob: 0992770405
Tel: 051403771
E-mail: igor@joda-nekretnine.hr