Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, surroundingsIn the heart of Istria, just a few minutes' drive from the center of Žminj, lies a plot of land that offers all the charms of a peaceful Istrian setting. Žminj is known for its authentic Istrian tradition and is becoming increasingly popular among nature lovers and tourists. The proximity to Rovinj, the tourism champion, further enhances the attractiveness of this area, while the municipality of Žminj itself represents an ideal combination of local culture and modern development. This area provides peace and privacy, making it perfect for those looking to build their home or invest in tourism through vacation homes.The land covers a total of 5,590 m², of which 1,398 m² is building land, while the remaining 4,192 m² is agricultural land covered with forest. The building part is located on flat terrain with easily accessible infrastructure nearby, while the agricultural part has a slight slope. Access to the land is from a public road, which further increases its accessibility.This plot offers a perfect opportunity to build a family house with a spacious garden or a luxury vacation home with a pool and additional amenities. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and become the owner of a plot in one of the most desirable locations in Istria!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O. Mob: +38552210824 Tel: +38552210824 E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr www.diamond-realestate.hr
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Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istrien, Žminj, UmgebungIm Herzen Istriens, nur wenige Minuten Fahrt vom Zentrum Žminjs entfernt, liegt ein Grundstück, das all den Charme einer ruhigen istrischen Umgebung bietet. Žminj ist bekannt für seine authentische istrische Tradition und wird bei Naturliebhabern und Touristen immer beliebter. Die Nähe zu Rovinj, dem Tourismus-Champion, erhöht die Attraktivität dieser Region weiter, während die Gemeinde Žminj selbst eine ideale Kombination aus lokaler Kultur und moderner Entwicklung darstellt. Diese Gegend bietet Ruhe und Privatsphäre und ist daher ideal für diejenigen, die ihr eigenes Zuhause bauen oder in den Tourismus durch Ferienhäuser investieren möchten.Das Grundstück erstreckt sich über insgesamt 5.590 m², von denen 1.398 m² Bauland sind, während die restlichen 4.192 m² landwirtschaftliche Fläche mit Wald bedeckt sind. Der Bauteil liegt auf flachem Gelände mit leicht zugänglicher Infrastruktur in der Nähe, während der landwirtschaftliche Teil eine leichte Neigung aufweist. Der Zugang zum Grundstück erfolgt über eine öffentliche Straße, was die Zugänglichkeit zusätzlich erhöht.Dieses Grundstück bietet eine perfekte Gelegenheit, ein Familienhaus mit einem großzügigen Garten oder ein luxuriöses Ferienhaus mit Pool und zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten zu bauen. Nutzen Sie diese einzigartige Gelegenheit und werden Sie Eigentümer eines Grundstücks an einem der begehrtesten Orte in Istrien!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O. Mob: +38552210824 Tel: +38552210824 E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr www.diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istra, Žminj, okolica,U srcu Istre, svega nekoliko minuta vožnje od centra Žminja, smješteno je zemljište koje nudi sve čari mirnog istarskog okruženja. Žminj je poznat po svojoj autentičnoj istarskoj tradiciji i sve više postaje popularna destinacija među ljubiteljima prirode i turizma. Blizina Rovinja, šampiona turizma, dodatno pridonosi atraktivnosti ovog kraja, dok sama općina Žminj predstavlja idealnu kombinaciju lokalne kulture i modernog razvoja. Ovo područje pruža mir i privatnost te je savršeno za one koji žele izgraditi svoj dom ili investirati u turizam kroz kuće za odmor.Zemljište se prostire na ukupno 5590 m², od čega je 1398 m² građevinsko, a preostalih 4192 m² je poljoprivredno zemljište prekriveno šumom. Građevinski dio smješten je na ravnom terenu s lako dostupnom infrastrukturom u neposrednoj blizini, dok poljoprivredni dio ima blagi pad. Prilaz zemljištu je omogućen sa javnog puta, što dodatno povećava njegovu pristupačnost.Ovo zemljište pruža savršenu priliku za izgradnju obiteljske kuće s prostranom okućnicom ili luksuzne kuće za odmor s bazenom i dodatnim sadržajima. Iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku i postanite vlasnik zemljišta u jednoj od najpoželjnijih lokacija u Istri!ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O. Mob: +38552210824 Tel: +38552210824 E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr www.diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, dintorniNel cuore dell'Istria, a pochi minuti di auto dal centro di Žminj, si trova un terreno che offre tutto il fascino di un tranquillo ambiente istriano. Žminj è conosciuto per la sua autentica tradizione istriana e sta diventando sempre più popolare tra gli amanti della natura e i turisti. La vicinanza a Rovigno, campione del turismo, aumenta ulteriormente l'attrattiva di questa zona, mentre il comune di Žminj rappresenta una combinazione ideale di cultura locale e sviluppo moderno. Quest'area offre pace e privacy, rendendola perfetta per chi desidera costruire la propria casa o investire nel turismo attraverso case vacanza.Il terreno si estende per un totale di 5.590 m², di cui 1.398 m² edificabili e i restanti 4.192 m² agricoli coperti da bosco. La parte edificabile si trova su un terreno pianeggiante con infrastrutture facilmente accessibili nelle vicinanze, mentre la parte agricola ha una leggera pendenza. L'accesso al terreno avviene da una strada pubblica, il che ne aumenta ulteriormente la fruibilità.Questo terreno offre l'opportunità perfetta per costruire una casa familiare con un ampio giardino o una casa vacanza di lusso con piscina e servizi aggiuntivi. Approfitta di questa occasione unica e diventa il proprietario di un terreno in una delle località più ambite dell'Istria!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O. Mob: +38552210824 Tel: +38552210824 E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr www.diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, surroundingsIn the heart of Istria, just a few minutes' drive from the center of Žminj, lies a plot of land that offers all the charms of a peaceful Istrian setting. Žminj is known for its authentic Istrian tradition and is becoming increasingly popular among nature lovers and tourists. The proximity to Rovinj, the tourism champion, further enhances the attractiveness of this area, while the municipality of Žminj itself represents an ideal combination of local culture and modern development. This area provides peace and privacy, making it perfect for those looking to build their home or invest in tourism through vacation homes.The land covers a total of 5,590 m², of which 1,398 m² is building land, while the remaining 4,192 m² is agricultural land covered with forest. The building part is located on flat terrain with easily accessible infrastructure nearby, while the agricultural part has a slight slope. Access to the land is from a public road, which further increases its accessibility.This plot offers a perfect opportunity to build a family house with a spacious garden or a luxury vacation home with a pool and additional amenities. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and become the owner of a plot in one of the most desirable locations in Istria!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O. Mob: +38552210824 Tel: +38552210824 E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr www.diamond-realestate.hr
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr View more View less Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istrien, Žminj, UmgebungIm Herzen Istriens, nur wenige Minuten Fahrt vom Zentrum Žminjs entfernt, liegt ein Grundstück, das all den Charme einer ruhigen istrischen Umgebung bietet. Žminj ist bekannt für seine authentische istrische Tradition und wird bei Naturliebhabern und Touristen immer beliebter. Die Nähe zu Rovinj, dem Tourismus-Champion, erhöht die Attraktivität dieser Region weiter, während die Gemeinde Žminj selbst eine ideale Kombination aus lokaler Kultur und moderner Entwicklung darstellt. Diese Gegend bietet Ruhe und Privatsphäre und ist daher ideal für diejenigen, die ihr eigenes Zuhause bauen oder in den Tourismus durch Ferienhäuser investieren möchten.Das Grundstück erstreckt sich über insgesamt 5.590 m², von denen 1.398 m² Bauland sind, während die restlichen 4.192 m² landwirtschaftliche Fläche mit Wald bedeckt sind. Der Bauteil liegt auf flachem Gelände mit leicht zugänglicher Infrastruktur in der Nähe, während der landwirtschaftliche Teil eine leichte Neigung aufweist. Der Zugang zum Grundstück erfolgt über eine öffentliche Straße, was die Zugänglichkeit zusätzlich erhöht.Dieses Grundstück bietet eine perfekte Gelegenheit, ein Familienhaus mit einem großzügigen Garten oder ein luxuriöses Ferienhaus mit Pool und zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten zu bauen. Nutzen Sie diese einzigartige Gelegenheit und werden Sie Eigentümer eines Grundstücks an einem der begehrtesten Orte in Istrien!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istra, Žminj, okolica,U srcu Istre, svega nekoliko minuta vožnje od centra Žminja, smješteno je zemljište koje nudi sve čari mirnog istarskog okruženja. Žminj je poznat po svojoj autentičnoj istarskoj tradiciji i sve više postaje popularna destinacija među ljubiteljima prirode i turizma. Blizina Rovinja, šampiona turizma, dodatno pridonosi atraktivnosti ovog kraja, dok sama općina Žminj predstavlja idealnu kombinaciju lokalne kulture i modernog razvoja. Ovo područje pruža mir i privatnost te je savršeno za one koji žele izgraditi svoj dom ili investirati u turizam kroz kuće za odmor.Zemljište se prostire na ukupno 5590 m², od čega je 1398 m² građevinsko, a preostalih 4192 m² je poljoprivredno zemljište prekriveno šumom. Građevinski dio smješten je na ravnom terenu s lako dostupnom infrastrukturom u neposrednoj blizini, dok poljoprivredni dio ima blagi pad. Prilaz zemljištu je omogućen sa javnog puta, što dodatno povećava njegovu pristupačnost.Ovo zemljište pruža savršenu priliku za izgradnju obiteljske kuće s prostranom okućnicom ili luksuzne kuće za odmor s bazenom i dodatnim sadržajima. Iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku i postanite vlasnik zemljišta u jednoj od najpoželjnijih lokacija u Istri!ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, dintorniNel cuore dell'Istria, a pochi minuti di auto dal centro di Žminj, si trova un terreno che offre tutto il fascino di un tranquillo ambiente istriano. Žminj è conosciuto per la sua autentica tradizione istriana e sta diventando sempre più popolare tra gli amanti della natura e i turisti. La vicinanza a Rovigno, campione del turismo, aumenta ulteriormente l'attrattiva di questa zona, mentre il comune di Žminj rappresenta una combinazione ideale di cultura locale e sviluppo moderno. Quest'area offre pace e privacy, rendendola perfetta per chi desidera costruire la propria casa o investire nel turismo attraverso case vacanza.Il terreno si estende per un totale di 5.590 m², di cui 1.398 m² edificabili e i restanti 4.192 m² agricoli coperti da bosco. La parte edificabile si trova su un terreno pianeggiante con infrastrutture facilmente accessibili nelle vicinanze, mentre la parte agricola ha una leggera pendenza. L'accesso al terreno avviene da una strada pubblica, il che ne aumenta ulteriormente la fruibilità.Questo terreno offre l'opportunità perfetta per costruire una casa familiare con un ampio giardino o una casa vacanza di lusso con piscina e servizi aggiuntivi. Approfitta di questa occasione unica e diventa il proprietario di un terreno in una delle località più ambite dell'Istria!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Istarska županija, Žminj, Žminj.Istria, Žminj, surroundingsIn the heart of Istria, just a few minutes' drive from the center of Žminj, lies a plot of land that offers all the charms of a peaceful Istrian setting. Žminj is known for its authentic Istrian tradition and is becoming increasingly popular among nature lovers and tourists. The proximity to Rovinj, the tourism champion, further enhances the attractiveness of this area, while the municipality of Žminj itself represents an ideal combination of local culture and modern development. This area provides peace and privacy, making it perfect for those looking to build their home or invest in tourism through vacation homes.The land covers a total of 5,590 m², of which 1,398 m² is building land, while the remaining 4,192 m² is agricultural land covered with forest. The building part is located on flat terrain with easily accessible infrastructure nearby, while the agricultural part has a slight slope. Access to the land is from a public road, which further increases its accessibility.This plot offers a perfect opportunity to build a family house with a spacious garden or a luxury vacation home with a pool and additional amenities. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and become the owner of a plot in one of the most desirable locations in Istria!ID CODE: 1018-1344DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr