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House & single-family home for sale in Roccalbegna

USD 3,013,124

House & Single-family home (For sale)

9 ba
7,319 sqft
lot 2,314,241 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T100641910 / 100641910
The farmhouse is located in the heart of Tuscany, overlooking the Roccalbegna valley and the Maremma countryside, it stands on the edge of a beautiful valley that opens onto a vast landscape with a gentle and wild unspoiled panorama. Description The caretaker's house with a garden of 500 square meters and parking, is located at the beginning of the road for control and security purposes. The main stone farmhouse of 450 sqm is divided into three floors with an elegant Tuscan architectural style, with access from the garden on the ground floor there are 3 apartments each with double bedroom, private bathroom, kitchen, living area and fireplaces. The first floor houses a large studio and 2 apartments with communicating balconies of 40 square meters; while on the second floor there is an attic with a large living room and handmade wooden kitchen, a master bedroom, a twin bedroom and a bedroom with private bathroom. The second structure, hidden in the sinuous garden, is spread over two floors: a large living room with kitchenette and fireplace, bathroom, double bedroom with balcony and outdoor relaxation area. The 100sqm farmhouse is divided into a living room and kitchen area, 2 double bedrooms and a large bathroom. Outdoor The 70 sqm stone outdoor kitchen with bar and fully covered dining area, with the surrounding garden and connecting paths, the property has a 100 hectare plot which includes 150 olive trees, 20 hectares of cultivated land and 80 ha of private woodland. The grounds are also home to a helicopter landing strip which offers further exclusivity to the property. The infinity pool overlooks the beautiful hills and valley with a relaxation area positioned with care and discretion. The garden is well cared for without ruining its natural beauty, within the property there is a pond of 300 square meters. State and Finishes All bathrooms have been designed using White Carrara marble; The property fully respects the Tuscan design with exposed chestnut beams and hand-carved wooden furniture and terracotta flooring. The property is in an excellent state of maintenance. Potential uses This property could be suitable for a large family who likes to invite friends and family throughout the year, given the multiple beds. Otherwise it can be an excellent investment for those looking for an exclusive private oasis to offer to their customers. Location The property located in Roccalbegna is immersed in the valley in a typical Tuscan countryside environment. The area offers food and wine tastings, walks, sports, trips and much more. The property is less than 40 minutes from the Maremma coast where you can spend days on the beach, or enjoy the typical fish dishes offered by local restaurants; there is no shortage of shops, parks and places to practice water sports.
- Barbecue
- Washing Machine
- Terrace
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Intercom
- Dishwasher
- Internet
- Garden
- Balcony
View more View less Il casale si trova nel cuore della Toscana, affacciato sulla valle di Roccalbegna e sulla campagna maremmana, sorge sul bordo di una splendida valle che si apre su un vasto paesaggio dal dolce e selvaggio panorama incontaminato. Descrizione La casa del custode con giardino di 500 mq e parcheggio, è situata all'inizio della strada a scopo di controllo e sicurezza. Il casale principale in pietra di 450 mq è suddiviso in tre piani con un elegante stile architettonico toscano, con accesso dal giardino al piano terra si trovano 3 appartamenti ciascuno con camera matrimoniale, bagno privato, cucina, zona soggiorno e caminetti. Il primo piano ospita un grande studio e 2 appartamenti con balconi comunicanti di 40 mq; mentre al secondo piano è presente una mansarda con un ampio soggiorno e cucina in legno fatta a mano, una camera da letto principale, una camera doppia e con bagno privato. La seconda struttura, nascosta nel sinuoso giardino, si sviluppa su due piani: un ampio soggiorno con angolo cottura e camino, bagno, camera matrimoniale con balcone e zona relax esterna. Il casale di 100mq è suddiviso in zona soggiorno e cucina, 2 camere matrimoniali ed un ampio bagno. Spazi Esterni La cucina esterna in pietra di 70 mq con bar e zona pranzo completamente coperta, con il giardino circostante e vialetti di collegamento, la proprietà ha un terreno di 100 ettari che comprende 150 ulivi, 20 ettari di terreno coltivati e 80 ha di bosco privato. Il terreno ospita anche una pista di atterraggio per elicotteri che offre ulteriore esclusività alla proprietà. La piscina a sfioro si affaccia sulle splendide colline e valle con un'area relax posizionata con cura e discrezione. Il giardino è ben curato senza rovinarne la bellezza naturale, all’interno della proprietà è compreso un laghetto di 300 mq. Stato e Finiture Tutti i bagni sono stati progettati utilizzando marmo Bianco di Carrara; la proprietà rispetta pienamente il design toscano con travi a vista in castagno e mobili in legno intagliato a mano e la pavimentazione in cotto. La proprietà si trova in ottimo stato di manutenzione. Potenzialità d'uso Questa proprietà potrebbe essere indicata per una famiglia numerosa che ama invitare amici e familiari durante tutto l'anno, dati i molteplici posti letto. Altrimenti può essere un ottimo investimento per chi cerca un'oasi esclusiva riservata da offrire ai propri clienti. Location La proprietà situata a Roccalbegna è immersa nella valle in un tipico ambiente della campagna toscana. La zona offre degustazioni enogastronomiche, passeggiate, sport, gite e molto altro ancora. La proprietà dista meno di 40 minuti dalla costa della Maremma dove è possibile trascorrere giornate in spiaggia, oppure gustare dei tipici piatti ittici offerti dai ristoranti locali; non manca la presenza di negozi, parchi e luoghi dove praticare sport acquatici.
- Barbecue
- Washing Machine
- Terrace
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Intercom
- Dishwasher
- Internet
- Garden
- Balcony
La casa de campo está situada en el corazón de la Toscana, con vistas al valle de Roccalbegna y a la campiña de Maremma, se encuentra al borde de un hermoso valle que se abre a un vasto paisaje con un panorama virgen suave y salvaje. Descripción La casa del cuidador con un jardín de 500 metros cuadrados y estacionamiento, se ubica al inicio del camino por motivos de control y seguridad. La casa principal de piedra de 450 metros cuadrados está dividida en tres plantas con un elegante estilo arquitectónico toscano, con acceso desde el jardín en la planta baja hay 3 apartamentos cada uno con dormitorio doble, baño privado, cocina, sala de estar y chimeneas. La primera planta alberga un gran estudio y 2 apartamentos con balcones comunicantes de 40 metros cuadrados; mientras que en la segunda planta hay una buhardilla con un gran salón y cocina de madera hecha a mano, un dormitorio principal, un dormitorio con dos camas individuales y un dormitorio con baño privado. La segunda estructura, escondida en el sinuoso jardín, se distribuye en dos plantas: un gran salón con cocina americana y chimenea, baño, dormitorio doble con balcón y zona de relax al aire libre. La masía de 100 m² se divide en una zona de salón y cocina, 2 dormitorios dobles y un gran baño. Al aire libre La cocina exterior de piedra de 70 metros cuadrados con bar y comedor totalmente cubierto, con el jardín circundante y los caminos de conexión, la propiedad tiene una parcela de 100 hectáreas que incluye 150 olivos, 20 hectáreas de tierra cultivada y 80 hectáreas de bosque privado. El recinto también alberga una pista de aterrizaje de helicópteros que ofrece una mayor exclusividad a la propiedad. La piscina infinita tiene vistas a las hermosas colinas y al valle con una zona de relajación colocada con cuidado y discreción. El jardín está bien cuidado sin arruinar su belleza natural, dentro de la propiedad hay un estanque de 300 metros cuadrados. Estado y Acabados Todos los baños han sido diseñados con mármol blanco de Carrara; La propiedad respeta plenamente el diseño toscano con vigas de castaño a la vista y muebles de madera tallados a mano y suelos de terracota. La propiedad se encuentra en un excelente estado de mantenimiento. Usos potenciales Esta propiedad podría ser adecuada para una familia numerosa a la que le gusta invitar a amigos y familiares durante todo el año, dadas las múltiples camas. De lo contrario, puede ser una excelente inversión para aquellos que buscan un oasis privado exclusivo para ofrecer a sus clientes. Ubicación La propiedad ubicada en Roccalbegna está inmersa en el valle en un entorno típico de la campiña toscana. La zona ofrece degustaciones gastronómicas y enológicas, paseos, deportes, excursiones y mucho más. La propiedad se encuentra a menos de 40 minutos de la costa de la Maremma donde se pueden pasar días en la playa, o disfrutar de los platos típicos de pescado que ofrecen los restaurantes locales; No faltan tiendas, parques y lugares para practicar deportes acuáticos.
- Barbecue
- Washing Machine
- Terrace
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Intercom
- Dishwasher
- Internet
- Garden
- Balcony
Statok sa nachádza v srdci Toskánska, s výhľadom na údolie Roccalbegna a krajinu Maremma, stojí na okraji krásneho údolia, ktoré sa otvára do rozľahlej krajiny s jemnou a divokou nedotknutou panorámou. Popis Dom správcu so záhradou s rozlohou 500 metrov štvorcových a parkoviskom sa nachádza na začiatku cesty z kontrolných a bezpečnostných dôvodov. Hlavný kamenný statok s rozlohou 450 metrov štvorcových je rozdelený na tri poschodia s elegantným toskánskym architektonickým štýlom, so vstupom zo záhrady na prízemí sú 3 apartmány, každý so spálňou s manželskou posteľou, vlastnou kúpeľňou, kuchyňou, obývacím priestorom a krbmi. Na prvom poschodí sa nachádza veľké štúdio a 2 apartmány so spojenými balkónmi s rozlohou 40 metrov štvorcových; zatiaľ čo na druhom poschodí sa nachádza podkrovie s veľkou obývacou izbou a ručne vyrobenou drevenou kuchyňou, hlavná spálňa, spálňa s oddelenými lôžkami a spálňa s vlastnou kúpeľňou. Druhá stavba, ukrytá v kľukatej záhrade, sa rozprestiera na dvoch poschodiach: veľká obývacia izba s kuchynským kútom a krbom, kúpeľňa, spálňa s manželskou posteľou s balkónom a vonkajšia relaxačná zóna. Farma s rozlohou 100 metrov štvorcových je rozdelená na obývaciu izbu a kuchyňu, 2 dvojlôžkové spálne a veľkú kúpeľňu. Vonkajší Kamenná vonkajšia kuchyňa s rozlohou 70 metrov štvorcových s barom a plne krytou jedálenskou časťou, s okolitou záhradou a spojovacími chodníkmi, má pozemok s rozlohou 100 hektárov, ktorý zahŕňa 150 olivovníkov, 20 hektárov obrábanej pôdy a 80 ha súkromných lesov. V areáli sa nachádza aj pristávacia dráha pre vrtuľníky, ktorá ponúka ďalšiu exkluzivitu nehnuteľnosti. Infinity bazén má výhľad na krásne kopce a údolia s relaxačnou zónou umiestnenou starostlivo a diskrétne. O záhradu je dobre postarané bez toho, aby sa zničili jej prírodné krásy, v rámci nehnuteľnosti sa nachádza jazierko s rozlohou 300 metrov štvorcových. Stav a povrchové úpravy Všetky kúpeľne boli navrhnuté z bieleho carrarského mramoru; Nehnuteľnosť plne rešpektuje toskánsky dizajn s odhalenými gaštanovým trámami a ručne vyrezávaným dreveným nábytkom a terakotovou podlahou. Nehnuteľnosť je vo výbornom stave údržby. Potenciálne využitie Táto nehnuteľnosť by mohla byť vhodná pre veľkú rodinu, ktorá rada pozýva priateľov a rodinu počas celého roka, vzhľadom na viaceré lôžka. V opačnom prípade to môže byť vynikajúca investícia pre tých, ktorí hľadajú exkluzívnu súkromnú oázu, ktorú by mohli ponúknuť svojim zákazníkom. Miesto Nehnuteľnosť nachádzajúca sa v Roccalbegne je ponorená do údolia v typickom toskánskom vidieckom prostredí. Oblasť ponúka ochutnávky jedál a vín, prechádzky, šport, výlety a mnoho ďalšieho. Nehnuteľnosť je vzdialená necelých 40 minút od pobrežia Maremma, kde môžete stráviť dni na pláži alebo si vychutnať typické rybie jedlá ponúkané miestnymi reštauráciami; Nechýbajú obchody, parky a miesta na vodné športy.
- Barbecue
- Washing Machine
- Terrace
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Intercom
- Dishwasher
- Internet
- Garden
- Balcony
The farmhouse is located in the heart of Tuscany, overlooking the Roccalbegna valley and the Maremma countryside, it stands on the edge of a beautiful valley that opens onto a vast landscape with a gentle and wild unspoiled panorama. Description The caretaker's house with a garden of 500 square meters and parking, is located at the beginning of the road for control and security purposes. The main stone farmhouse of 450 sqm is divided into three floors with an elegant Tuscan architectural style, with access from the garden on the ground floor there are 3 apartments each with double bedroom, private bathroom, kitchen, living area and fireplaces. The first floor houses a large studio and 2 apartments with communicating balconies of 40 square meters; while on the second floor there is an attic with a large living room and handmade wooden kitchen, a master bedroom, a twin bedroom and a bedroom with private bathroom. The second structure, hidden in the sinuous garden, is spread over two floors: a large living room with kitchenette and fireplace, bathroom, double bedroom with balcony and outdoor relaxation area. The 100sqm farmhouse is divided into a living room and kitchen area, 2 double bedrooms and a large bathroom. Outdoor The 70 sqm stone outdoor kitchen with bar and fully covered dining area, with the surrounding garden and connecting paths, the property has a 100 hectare plot which includes 150 olive trees, 20 hectares of cultivated land and 80 ha of private woodland. The grounds are also home to a helicopter landing strip which offers further exclusivity to the property. The infinity pool overlooks the beautiful hills and valley with a relaxation area positioned with care and discretion. The garden is well cared for without ruining its natural beauty, within the property there is a pond of 300 square meters. State and Finishes All bathrooms have been designed using White Carrara marble; The property fully respects the Tuscan design with exposed chestnut beams and hand-carved wooden furniture and terracotta flooring. The property is in an excellent state of maintenance. Potential uses This property could be suitable for a large family who likes to invite friends and family throughout the year, given the multiple beds. Otherwise it can be an excellent investment for those looking for an exclusive private oasis to offer to their customers. Location The property located in Roccalbegna is immersed in the valley in a typical Tuscan countryside environment. The area offers food and wine tastings, walks, sports, trips and much more. The property is less than 40 minutes from the Maremma coast where you can spend days on the beach, or enjoy the typical fish dishes offered by local restaurants; there is no shortage of shops, parks and places to practice water sports.
- Barbecue
- Washing Machine
- Terrace
- Air Conditioning
- SwimmingPool
- Intercom
- Dishwasher
- Internet
- Garden
- Balcony
Reference: EDEN-T100641910
Country: IT
City: Roccalbegna
Postal code: 58053
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property size: 7,319 sqft
Lot size: 2,314,241 sqft
Rooms: 10
Bathrooms: 9
Entry phone: Yes
Swimming pool: Yes
Air-conditioning: Yes
Balcony: Yes
Terrace: Yes
Outdoor Grill: Yes
Internet access: Yes
Dishwasher: Yes
Washing machine: Yes
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