USD 51,831
38,320 sqft
Agricultural land of 3,200 m², located in Canada do Pico do Alho, near Espaço Quinta in the municipality of Ribeira Grande. This rustic property, divided into two parcels, is ideal for cultivation, livestock, or small-scale forestry activities.
Property details:
- Total area: 3,200 m²
- Land division:
- 1,700 m² of arable land, suitable for various agricultural crops
- 480 m² of woodlands and fallow land for firewood, ideal for wood collection or forestry use
- 1,020 m² of pasture, suitable for livestock or other agricultural uses
- Infrastructure and accessibility:
- Good road access
- Water and electricity available nearby
This rustic land is a great option for small-scale agricultural projects, offering a natural setting and convenient access within the municipality of Ribeira Grande.
3 reasons to buy with Zome:
Constantly accompanied
With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.
Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.
Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!
1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion View more View less Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT571978
Agricultural land of 3,200 m², located in Canada do Pico do Alho, near Espaço Quinta in the municipality of Ribeira Grande. This rustic property, divided into two parcels, is ideal for cultivation, livestock, or small-scale forestry activities.
Property details:
- Total area: 3,200 m²
- Land division:
- 1,700 m² of arable land, suitable for various agricultural crops
- 480 m² of woodlands and fallow land for firewood, ideal for wood collection or forestry use
- 1,020 m² of pasture, suitable for livestock or other agricultural uses
- Infrastructure and accessibility:
- Good road access
- Water and electricity available nearby
This rustic land is a great option for small-scale agricultural projects, offering a natural setting and convenient access within the municipality of Ribeira Grande.
3 reasons to buy with Zome:
Constantly accompanied
With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.
Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.
Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!
1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT571978
Działka rolna o powierzchni 3 200 m², położona w Kanadzie do Pico do Alho, w pobliżu Espaço Quinta w gminie Ribeira Grande. Ta rustykalna posiadłość, podzielona na dwie działki, jest idealna do uprawy, hodowli zwierząt gospodarskich lub leśnictwa na małą skalę.
Szczegóły nieruchomości:
- Powierzchnia całkowita: 3 200 m²
- Podział gruntów:
- 1 700 m² gruntów ornych, nadających się pod różne uprawy rolne
- 480 m² lasów i ugorów na drewno opałowe, idealne do zbierania drewna lub do użytku leśnego
- 1 020 m² pastwiska, nadającego się dla zwierząt gospodarskich lub innych zastosowań rolniczych
- Infrastruktura i dostępność:
- Dobry dojazd drogowy
- Woda i prąd dostępne w pobliżu
Ta rustykalna ziemia jest doskonałą opcją dla małych projektów rolniczych, oferując naturalne otoczenie i dogodny dojazd w obrębie gminy Ribeira Grande.
3 powody, dla których warto kupować z Zome:
Stałe towarzystwo
Dzięki najlepszemu szkoleniu i doświadczeniu na rynku nieruchomości, agenci Zome są w pełni zaangażowani w zapewnienie Ci najlepszej pomocy, prowadząc Cię z pełnym zaufaniem we właściwym kierunku, aby spełnić Twoje potrzeby i ambicje. Od tego momentu stworzymy bliską relację i uważnie wsłuchamy się w Twoje oczekiwania, bo naszym priorytetem jest Twoje szczęście! Ponieważ ważne jest, abyście czuli, że Wam towarzyszą, a my będziemy z Wami na każdym kroku.
Agenci Zome przechodzą unikalne na rynku szkolenia, oparte na praktycznej wymianie doświadczeń między profesjonalistami i wzmocnione stosowaną wiedzą neuronaukową, która pozwala im uprościć i uczynić ich doświadczenie na rynku nieruchomości bardziej efektywnym. Zapomnij o biurokratycznych koszmarach, ponieważ z Zome masz pełne wsparcie doświadczonego i wszechstronnie wykwalifikowanego zespołu, który udzieli Ci praktycznego wsparcia we wszystkich istotnych aspektach, tak aby Twoje doświadczenie na rynku nieruchomości przekroczyło Twoje oczekiwania.
Pozbądź się zmartwień i zyskaj czas, którego potrzebujesz, aby robić to, co sprawia, że jesteś szczęśliwszy. Każdego dnia pracujemy, aby wnieść wartość dodaną do Twojego życia, udzielając Ci niezawodnych porad, których potrzebujesz, abyśmy razem mogli osiągnąć najlepsze wyniki. Z Zome nigdy nie poczujesz się zagubiony lub pozostawiony bez opieki, a zyskasz coś, co jest bezcenne: całkowity spokój ducha! Tak właśnie będziesz się czuł przez całe doświadczenie: Spokojny, bezpieczny, wygodny i... SZCZĘŚLIWY!
1. Jeśli jesteś agentem nieruchomości, ta nieruchomość jest dostępna do udostępniania biznesowego. Nie wahaj się pokazać go swoim klientom i porozmawiaj z nami, aby umówić się na wizytę.
2. Aby ułatwić identyfikację tej nieruchomości, prosimy o podanie odpowiedniego identyfikatora ZMPT lub odpowiedniego agenta, który wysłał Ci sugestię Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT571978
Terreno agrícola de 3.200 m², localizado na Canada do Pico do Alho, próximo ao Espaço Quinta no concelho da Ribeira Grande. Esta propriedade rústica, dividida em duas parcelas, é ideal para atividades de cultivo, pecuária ou silvicultura de pequena escala.
Detalhes da propriedade:
- Área total: 3.200 m²
- Divisão de terras:
- 1.700 m² de terra arável, adequada para várias culturas agrícolas
- 480 m² de bosques e pousios para lenha, ideais para coleta de madeira ou uso florestal
- 1.020 m² de pastagem, adequada para pecuária ou outros usos agrícolas
- Infraestrutura e acessibilidade:
- Bons acessos rodoviários
- Água e eletricidade disponíveis nas proximidades
Este terreno rústico é uma ótima opção para projetos agrícolas de pequena escala, oferecendo um ambiente natural e um acesso conveniente dentro do concelho da Ribeira Grande.
3 razões para comprar com a Zome:
Constantemente acompanhado
Com a melhor formação e experiência no mercado imobiliário, os agentes da Zome dedicam-se totalmente a prestar-lhe a melhor assistência, orientando-o com total confiança na direção certa para satisfazer as suas necessidades e ambições. A partir daqui vamos criar uma relação próxima e ouvir atentamente as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que você sinta que está sendo acompanhado e que estaremos com você a cada passo do caminho.
Os agentes da Zome recebem formação única no mercado, baseada na partilha de experiências práticas entre profissionais e reforçada por conhecimentos neurocientíficos aplicados que lhes permitem simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Esqueça os pesadelos burocráticos porque com a Zome tem o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e polivalente que lhe dá apoio prático em todos os aspetos essenciais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as suas expectativas.
Livre-se de suas preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade necessário para fazer o que o deixa mais feliz. Trabalhamos todos os dias para agregar valor à sua vida, dando-lhe o aconselhamento confiável de que você precisa, para que juntos possamos alcançar os melhores resultados. Com a Zome você nunca se sentirá perdido ou desacompanhado e ganhará algo que não tem preço: sua total tranquilidade! É assim que você se sentirá durante toda a experiência: calmo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ!
1. Se você é um corretor de imóveis, esta propriedade está disponível para compartilhamento de negócios. Não hesite em mostrá-lo aos seus clientes e fale connosco para marcar uma visita.
2. Para facilitar a identificação deste imóvel, por favor indique o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe enviou a sugestão