Property with about 22.5 Ha. These are 19 of cork oak (Cork), in second run, therefore with a lot of potential and 3 of olive groves. As we all know, Portugal is the first country in the world, in production and export of cork. Which brings high profitability to those who have this type of plantation. It has a pond with a spring. Which all indicates that the earth has water underground, which nowadays is fundamental for any exploration. The property is all fenced around it. It has an ancient mound, which you can recover at your own pleasure. It is very well located, in the Council of Moura. Between the villages of Granja and Póvoa de São Miguel. The path is all on a tarmac road, except for about 300 meters. It is very close to the region of the great Lake of Alqueva. It has electricity very close. If you have any questions, don't miss this occasion.