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Apartment & condo for sale in Gabrovo

USD 59,058

Apartment & Condo (For sale)

1,206 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T80246174 / 80246174
For more information call us at ... or 062 520 289 and quote property reference number: VT 78954. Responsible broker: Simeon Karapenchev Two-bedroom apartment with beautiful panorama in the town of Kazanlak Tryavna. The beautiful Bulgarian town is located 20 km east of the regional town of Gabrovo. The surroundings captivate with their pure nature, a lake surrounded by green mountain meadows and the possibility of picnics, complete rest and relaxation and other pleasant outdoor activities. The city and the neighborhood provide good conditions and opportunities for permanent living. Nearby are located a kindergarten, a school and a supermarket. The apartment has an area of 93.05 sq. m. distributed between: large living room part open plan divided into three sectors kitchen, dining room and living room two bedrooms bathroom with toilet two closets two terraces South-north exposure. In addition, it has a cellar with an area of 18.84 sq. m. and attic with an area of 19.13 sq. m. located above the living room prepared direct connection to the main floor. The apartment has been partially repaired. Replaced new PVC windows, doors, electrical installation prepared for the installation of local heating. It needs finishing of a bathroom, flooring and connecting staircase with the attic room. Free parking in front of the block. The town of Tryavna is characterized by preserved Renaissance architecture and cultural heritage from that period, attracting many Bulgarian and foreign tourists. The town is situated in the valley extension of the Tryavna River, at the northern foot of the Tryavna Mountain. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, View more View less За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 062 520 289 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: VT 78954. Отговорен брокер: Симеон Карапенчев Тристаен апартамент с красива панорама в гр. Трявна. Прекрасният български град се намриа на 20 км източно от областния град Габрово. Околностите пленяват със своята чиста природа, езеро, заобиколено със зелени планински ливади и възможност за пикници, пълноценен отдих и почивка и други приятни дейности на открито. Градът и квартала предоставят добри условия и възможност за постоянно живеене. В близост са разположени детска градина, училище и супермаркет. Апартаментът е с площ 93.05 кв. м. разпределени между: голяма дневна част отворен план разпределена на три сектора кухня, трапезария и хол две спални баня с тоалетна два килера две тераси Изложение юг-север. Допълнително разполага с изба с площ 18.84 кв. м. и таванско помещение с площ 19.13 кв. м. разположено над дневната част подготвена директна връзка с основния етаж. Жилището е с извършен частичен ремонт. Подменени нови PVC прозорци, врати, ел. инсталация, подготвен за монтиране на локално отопление. Нуждае се от довършителни дейности на санитарен възел, подови настилки и свързващо стълбище с мансардната стая. Свободно паркиране пред блока. Град Трявна се характеризира със запазена възрожденска архитектура и културното наследство от този период, привличащи множество български и чуждестранни туристи. Градът е разположен в долинното разширение на Тревненска река, в северното подножие на Тревненска планина. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, Per ulteriori informazioni chiamateci al numero ... o 062 520 289 e citate il numero di riferimento della proprietà: VT 78954. Broker responsabile: Simeon Karapenchev Appartamento con due camere da letto con splendida vista nella città di Karapenchev Tryavna. La bellissima città bulgara si trova a 20 km a est della città regionale di Gabrovo. I dintorni affascinano con la loro natura pura, un lago circondato da verdi prati di montagna e la possibilità di picnic, riposo completo e relax e altre piacevoli attività all'aria aperta. La città e il quartiere offrono buone condizioni e opportunità per una vita permanente. Nelle vicinanze si trovano un asilo, una scuola e un supermercato. L'appartamento ha una superficie di 93,05 mq. m. distribuito tra: ampio soggiorno parte open space diviso in tre settori cucina, sala da pranzo e soggiorno due camere da letto bagno con wc due ripostigli due terrazze esposizione sud-nord. Inoltre, ha una cantina con una superficie di 18,84 mq. m. e mansarda con una superficie di 19,13 mq. m. situato sopra il soggiorno predisposto collegamento diretto al piano nobile. L'appartamento è stato parzialmente riparato. Sostituite nuove finestre, porte, elettricità in PVC installazione predisposta per l'installazione di riscaldamento locale. Ha bisogno di finitura di un bagno, pavimentazione e scala di collegamento con la mansarda. Parcheggio gratuito di fronte all'isolato. La città di Tryavna è caratterizzata da un'architettura rinascimentale conservata e dal patrimonio culturale di quel periodo, attirando molti turisti bulgari e stranieri. La città è situata nell'estensione della valle del fiume Tryavna, ai piedi settentrionali del monte Tryavna. Possiamo organizzare una visita della proprietà in un momento conveniente per voi. Per fare ciò, contatta il broker responsabile dell'offerta e digli quando desideri visualizzare. L'immobile può essere riservato e rimosso dalla vendita versando una caparra, dopodiché si interrompono le visite con altri acquirenti e inizia la preparazione dei documenti per la conclusione di un contratto preliminare e definitivo. Contatta il broker responsabile di questa proprietà per informazioni dettagliate sulla procedura di acquisto e sui metodi di pagamento. Siamo un'azienda rispettabile e saremo con voi non solo al momento dell'acquisto, ma anche in seguito, fornendovi servizi aggiuntivi su vostra richiesta al fine di utilizzare pienamente e senza problemi la proprietà appena acquistata. I servizi che possiamo offrire includono l'assicurazione di beni mobili e immobili, For more information call us at ... or 062 520 289 and quote property reference number: VT 78954. Responsible broker: Simeon Karapenchev Two-bedroom apartment with beautiful panorama in the town of Kazanlak Tryavna. The beautiful Bulgarian town is located 20 km east of the regional town of Gabrovo. The surroundings captivate with their pure nature, a lake surrounded by green mountain meadows and the possibility of picnics, complete rest and relaxation and other pleasant outdoor activities. The city and the neighborhood provide good conditions and opportunities for permanent living. Nearby are located a kindergarten, a school and a supermarket. The apartment has an area of 93.05 sq. m. distributed between: large living room part open plan divided into three sectors kitchen, dining room and living room two bedrooms bathroom with toilet two closets two terraces South-north exposure. In addition, it has a cellar with an area of 18.84 sq. m. and attic with an area of 19.13 sq. m. located above the living room prepared direct connection to the main floor. The apartment has been partially repaired. Replaced new PVC windows, doors, electrical installation prepared for the installation of local heating. It needs finishing of a bathroom, flooring and connecting staircase with the attic room. Free parking in front of the block. The town of Tryavna is characterized by preserved Renaissance architecture and cultural heritage from that period, attracting many Bulgarian and foreign tourists. The town is situated in the valley extension of the Tryavna River, at the northern foot of the Tryavna Mountain. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zadzwoń do nas pod numer ... lub 062 520 289 i podaj numer referencyjny nieruchomości: VT 78954. Odpowiedzialny broker: Simeon Karapenchev Dwupokojowe mieszkanie z piękną panoramą w mieście Kazanłyk Tryavna. Piękne bułgarskie miasteczko położone jest 20 km na wschód od miasta obwodowego Gabrowo. Okolica urzeka czystą przyrodą, jeziorem otoczonym zielonymi górskimi łąkami i możliwością pikników, pełnego odpoczynku i relaksu oraz innych przyjemnych aktywności na świeżym powietrzu. Miasto i okolica zapewniają dobre warunki i możliwości stałego zamieszkania. W pobliżu znajduje się przedszkole, szkoła oraz supermarket. Mieszkanie ma powierzchnię 93,05 mkw. m. rozmieszczone pomiędzy: duży salon część otwarty plan podzielony na trzy sektory kuchnia, jadalnia i salon dwie sypialnie łazienka z WC dwie garderoby dwa tarasy ekspozycja południowa-północ. Ponadto posiada piwnicę o powierzchni 18,84 mkw. m. i poddasze o pow. 19,13 mkw. m. znajdujący się nad salonem przygotował bezpośrednie połączenie z parterem. Mieszkanie zostało częściowo wyremontowane. Wymieniono nowe okna, drzwi, elektryczne z PCV Instalacja przygotowana do instalacji ogrzewania lokalnego. Wymaga wykończenia łazienki, podłogi i połączenia klatki schodowej z pokojem na poddaszu. Bezpłatny parking przed blokiem. Miasto Tryavna charakteryzuje się zachowaną renesansową architekturą i dziedzictwem kulturowym z tego okresu, przyciągając wielu bułgarskich i zagranicznych turystów. Miasto położone jest w dolinie rzeki Tryavna, u północnego podnóża góry Tryavna. Możemy umówić się na oglądanie nieruchomości w dogodnym dla Ciebie terminie. W tym celu skontaktuj się z brokerem odpowiedzialnym za ofertę i powiedz mu, kiedy chcesz obejrzeć. Nieruchomość można zarezerwować i wycofać ze sprzedaży po wpłaceniu kaucji, po czym oględziny z innymi nabywcami zostają zakończone i rozpoczyna się przygotowanie dokumentów do zawarcia umowy przedwstępnej i ostatecznej. Skontaktuj się z pośrednikiem odpowiedzialnym za tę nieruchomość, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat procedury zakupu i metod płatności. Jesteśmy renomowaną firmą i będziemy z Tobą nie tylko w momencie zakupu, ale także później, świadcząc dodatkowe usługi na Twoje życzenie, aby w pełni i bezproblemowo korzystać z nowo zakupionej nieruchomości. Usługi, które możemy zaoferować, obejmują ubezpieczenie mienia ruchomego i nieruchomego, Voor meer informatie, bel ons op: ... of 062 520 289 en vermeld het referentienummer van de woning: VT 78954. Verantwoordelijke makelaar: Simeon Karapenchev Appartement met twee slaapkamers en prachtig panorama in Sofia. Tryavna. De prachtige Bulgaarse stad ligt 20 km ten oosten van de regionale stad Gabrovo. De omgeving betovert met zijn schone natuur, een meer omgeven door groene bergweiden en de mogelijkheid voor picknicks, volledige ontspanning en ontspanning en andere aangename buitenactiviteiten. De stad en de buurt bieden goede omstandigheden en de mogelijkheid om permanent te wonen. Een kleuterschool, een school en een supermarkt bevinden zich in de buurt. Het appartement heeft een oppervlakte van 93,05 m². Verdeeld over: grote woonkamer open plan verdeeld in drie sectoren: keuken, eetkamer en woonkamer twee slaapkamers badkamer met toilet twee kasten twee terrassen op het zuid-noorden. Daarnaast heeft het een kelder met een oppervlakte van 18,84 m². en een zolder met een oppervlakte van 19,13 m². Boven de woonkamer is er een directe verbinding met de begane grond. Het appartement is gedeeltelijk gerenoveerd. Nieuwe PVC ramen, deuren, elektrisch. installatie, voorbereid voor de installatie van lokale verwarming. Het heeft afwerkingswerkzaamheden nodig aan de badkamer, vloeren en een verbindingstrap met de zolderkamer. Gratis parkeren voor de deur. De stad Tryavna wordt gekenmerkt door bewaard gebleven renaissance-architectuur en het culturele erfgoed van deze periode, die veel Bulgaarse en buitenlandse toeristen aantrekt. De stad ligt in de vallei van de rivier de Tryavna, aan de noordelijke voet van de berg Tryavna. Wij kunnen een bezichtiging van de woning organiseren op een voor u geschikt moment. Neem hiervoor contact op met de makelaar die verantwoordelijk is voor het bod en vertel hem wanneer u een bezichtiging wilt doen. De woning kan worden gereserveerd en uit de verkoop worden gehaald met betaling van een aanbetaling, waarna de bezichtigingen met andere kopers worden beëindigd en het opstellen van documenten voor het sluiten van een voorlopig en definitief contract begint. Neem contact op met de verantwoordelijke makelaar voor deze woning voor gedetailleerde informatie over de aankoopprocedure en betalingsmethoden. Wij zijn een gerenommeerd bedrijf en zullen u niet alleen tijdens de aankoop, maar ook daarna bijstaan en u op uw verzoek aanvullende diensten verlenen om het nieuw gekochte onroerend goed volledig en soepel te gebruiken. De diensten die wij kunnen aanbieden zijn onder andere roerende en onroerende zaken verzekeringen,
Reference: EDEN-T80246174
Country: BG
City: Gabrovo
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: Apartment & Condo
Property size: 1,206 sqft
Floor: 5



Average sale price per sqft
Oct 2023
3 months
1 year
USD 25


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