USD 812,217
House & Single-family home (For sale)
lot 106,832 sqft
/ 6371
Argenteria is a place with an almost mystical soul. The two owners, designers by profession, have given life to their idea of living by condensing here all the passion and creativity gained in the course of travels and experiences in every corner of the world. On the outside, we wanted to keep the typical style of the farmhouse perfectly integrated with the landscape, but it is enough to cross the entrance to understand that we are faced with something uncommon. What is striking is the creative flair, the refinement of details, whether it is finishes, furnishings or space distribution, each environment surprises you, each room is an experience. A home for artists and dreamers. Outside, the Mediterranean scrub slowly gives way to a setting that may appear casual but which has actually been recreated and refined, made up of cascades of flowers, bushes, fruit trees, and olive trees. Everything is perfectly integrated and harmonious, pergolas, paths, dry stone walls. A place to fully experience the four seasons; during the winter we gather around the fireplace, in the spring we dedicate ourselves to planting the vegetable garden, during the hot summers mitigated by the air of the forest we bathe in the pool, finally in the autumn we do the olive harvest. The farmhouse measures 260 square meters in addition to funds / cellars for 60 square meters. There is a 50 sqm basement garage / warehouse and a wonderful 50 sqm iron and glass greenhouse. The land / garden, of about one hectare, has a well. Finally a beautiful swimming pool of mt. 6.50 x 12.50 heated, with purification plant for electrolysis. Only the BARE OWNERSHIP is for sale.Nothing has been left to chance, the style of the typical Umbrian farmhouse has been kept on the outside, but inside we find terracotta floors and walls from Morocco, exposed wooden floors, steps and details in pietra serena and wrought iron. Furniture and furnishing accessories are a collection of design pieces from every corner of the world (Avant de Dormir, Michelangeli, Lisa Corti, Valentino). Author paintings (Wiesendanger, Pozzati, Folon, Nespolo). Carpets, lamps, everything is art.The farmhouse is regularly connected to all utilities: electricity, natural gas heating, telephone and water.You invest by purchasing the BARE OWNERSHIP. The price includes all furniture, furnishing accessories, paintings, sculptures, furnishings. Why buy bare ownership? Because the price is advantageous and because we are talking about a unique property.The property is located a few steps from the village of Paciano and only 3 kilometers from that of Panicale. Extremely easy to access but complete absence of noise or disturbing elements. Almost total privacy and intact views of the valley.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral status of the property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of real interest in the property.The BARE OWNERSHIP.
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L'Argenteria è un luogo con un'anima, quasi mistica. I due proprietari, designer per professione, hanno dato vita alla loro idea di abitare condensando qui tutta la passione e la creatività maturata nel corso di viaggi ed esperienze in ogni angolo del mondo. All'esterno si è voluto mantenere lo stile tipico del casale perfettamente integrato con il paesaggio ma basta varcare l'ingresso per capire che si è di fronte a qualcosa di non comune. Quello che colpisce è l'estro creativo, la ricercatezza dei particolari, che si tratti di finiture, arredi o distribuzione degli spazi, ogni ambiente ti sorprende, ogni stanza è un' esperienza. Una dimora per artisti e per sognatori. All'esterno la macchia mediterranea cede piano piano il posto ad un'ambientazione che può apparire casuale ma che in realtà è stata ricreata e ricercata, fatta di cascate di fiori, cespugli, alberi da frutto, ulivi. Tutto è perfettamente integrato ed armonico, pergole, viottoli, muri a secco. Un luogo per vivere a pieno le quattro stagioni; durante l' inverno ci si raccoglie attorno al camino, in primavera ci si dedica alla semina dell'orto, durante le estati calde mitigate dall'aria del bosco ci si bagna in piscina, infine in autunno si fa la raccolta delle olive. Il casale misura 260 mq. oltre a fondi/cantine per 60 mq. E' presente un garage/magazzino seminterrato di 50 mq e una meravigliosa serra in ferro e vetro di 50 mq. Il parco/giardino, di circa una ettaro, è dotato di pozzo. Infine una stupenda piscina di mt. 6,50 x 12,50 riscaldata, con impianto di depurazione per elettrolisi. Si vende la NUDA PROPRIETA'.Niente è stato lasciato al caso, lo stile del casale tipico umbro è stato mantenuto all'esterno, ma all'interno troviamo pavimenti e rivestimenti in cotto provenienti dal Marocco, solai in legno a vista, gradini e particolari in pietra serena e ferro battto. Mobili e complementi di arredo sono una raccolta di pezzi di design provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo (Avant de Dormir, Michelangeli, Lisa Corti, Valentino). Quadri d'autore (Wiesendanger, Pozzati, Folon, Nespolo). Tappeti, lampade, sculture...qui dentro tutto è arte.Il casale è regolarmente allacciato alle utenze per energia elettrica, riscaldamento con impianto a metano, telefonia e acqua.Si investe acquistando la NUDA PROPRIETA'. Nel prezzo sono compresi tutti i mobili, complementi d'arredo, quadri, sculture, suppellettili. Perchè acquistare la nuda proprietà? Perchè il prezzo è vantaggioso e perchè stiamo parlando di una proprietà unica.La proprietà è situata a pochi passi dal borgo di Paciano e a soli 3 chilometri da quello di Panicale. Estrema facilità di accesso ma assenza completa di rumori o elementi di disturbo. Privacy pressochè totale e vista intatta sulla valle.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.Si vende la NUDA PROPRIETA'.
Аржентерия - это почти мистическое место и вот почему. Два владельца, дизайнеры по профессии, воплотили в жизнь свою идею, используя свой творческий потенциал, опыт, накопленный во время путешествий по всему миру. Фасад здания сохранил типичные черты фермерского дома, гармонично вписывающегося в ландшафт, но достаточно переступить порог и перед вами окажется нечто необычное. Всё здесь поражает изысканностью деталей, будь то отделка, мебель или распределение пространства, каждая комната удивляет вас, каждая комната - это открытие. Дом для художников и мечтателей. Средиземноморский лес медленно отступает, освобождая территорию с обстановкой, которая может показаться на первый взгляд казуальной, однако на самом деле была восстановлена и усовершенствована - каскад цветов, кустарников, фруктовых деревьев, оливковых деревьев. Всё идеально продумано и гармонично - беседки/ перголы, дорожки, опорные стены из камня. Место, где можно в полной мере прочувствовать четыре времени года: зимой мы собираемся у камина, весной садим огород, солнечным летом, жару которого смягчает лесной воздух, купаемся в бассейне и, наконец, осенью собираем урожай оливок! Площадь дома составляет 260 кв.м плюс подвалы 60 кв.м. На цокольном уровне есть гараж/склад площадью 50 кв.м и замечательная теплица из железа и стекла площадью 50 кв. м. Парк/сад площадью около 1 га с колодцем и прекрасный бассейн 6,50 x 12,50 м с подогревом и электролизной системой очистки. Продается как "голая собственность" - владение без права пользования имуществом.Типичный фасад умбрийского фермерского дома, интерьеры с терракотовой напольной и настенной плиткой из Марокко, потолки с деревянными балками, ступени и некоторые детали из местного камня pietra serena и кованого железа. Мебель и предметы обстановки - это коллекция дизайнерских вещей со всех уголков мира (Avant de Dormir, Michelangeli, Lisa Corti, Valentino). Дизайнерские картины (Wiesendanger, Pozzati, Folon, Nespolo). Ковры, лампы, скульптуры... все здесь является предметами искусства.Дом подключен к инженерным коммуникациям - электричество, отопление (газ-метан), телефон и вода - согласно нормативам.Вы инвестируете, приобретая ВЛАДЕНИЕ БЕЗ ПРАВА ПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ. В стоимость входит вся мебель, обстановка, картины, скульптуры, украшения. Зачем собственно покупать "чистое владение без права пользования собственностью"? Потому что выгодная цена и речь идет об уникальном объекте.Недвижимость находится в нескольких минутах ходьбы от Пачано и всего в 3 километрах от Паникале. Удобный доступ, но полное отсутствие шума или мешающих элементов. Практически полное уединение и открытый вид на долину.Для этой недвижимости, как и для других объектов, выставленных на продажу нашей компанией, мы провели детальный кадастровый и юридический анализ, результаты которого будут предоставлены в случае реального интереса к недвижимости. Подготовленный отчет позволяет нашим клиентам-покупателям получить исчерпывающую информацию об интересующем объекте.Продается ВЛАДЕНИЕ БЕЗ ПРАВА ПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ.
L'Argenteria ist ein inspirierender Ort. Die beiden Inhaber, die von Beruf Designer sind, haben ihre Vorstellung vom Wohnen zum Leben erweckt, indem sie hier die ganze Leidenschaft und Kreativität, die sie auf ihren Reisen und Erfahrungen in allen Ecken der Welt erworben haben, gebündelt haben. Äußerlich wollten sie den typischen Stil des Bauernhauses beibehalten, der sich perfekt in die Landschaft einfügt, aber es genügt, die Schwelle zu überschreiten, um zu erkennen, dass man etwas Ungewöhnliches vor sich hat. Was auffällt, ist das kreative Flair, die Raffinesse der Details, sei es bei der Verarbeitung, der Einrichtung oder der Raumaufteilung, jeder Raum überrascht, jeder Raum ist ein Erlebnis. Ein Zuhause für Künstler und Träumer. Draußen weicht die mediterrane Macchia allmählich einer scheinbar zufälligen, aber in Wirklichkeit neu geschaffenen und verfeinerten Umgebung mit Kaskaden von Blumen, Sträuchern, Obst- und Olivenbäumen. Alles ist perfekt integriert und harmonisch, Pergolas, Wege, Trockensteinmauern. Ein Ort, an dem man die vier Jahreszeiten in vollen Zügen genießen kann: Im Winter sitzt man um den Kamin herum, im Frühjahr sät man den Gemüsegarten aus, in den heißen Sommern, die durch die Waldluft gemildert werden, badet man im Pool, und im Herbst schließlich erntet man die Oliven. Das Bauernhaus hat eine Größe von 260 Quadratmetern plus 60 Quadratmetern an Kellerräumen. Es gibt eine 50 m² große Garage/Abstellraum und ein wunderschönes 50 m² großes Gewächshaus aus Eisen und Glas. Der Park/Garten ist etwa einen Hektar groß und mit einem Brunnen ausgestattet. Außerdem gibt es einen wunderschönen 6,50 x 12,50 m großen beheizten Swimmingpool mit Elektrolyse-Reinigungssystem.Nichts wurde dem Zufall überlassen, der Stil des typisch umbrischen Bauernhauses wurde außen beibehalten, aber im Inneren entdeckt man Terrakotta-Böden und -Wandfliesen aus Marokko, sichtbare Holzdecken, Treppen und Details aus Pietra Serena und Schmiedeeisen. Die Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände sind eine Sammlung von Designerstücken aus allen Teilen der Welt (Avant de Dormir, Michelangeli, Lisa Corti, Valentino). Designer-Gemälde (Wiesendanger, Pozzati, Folon, Nespolo). Teppiche, Lampen, Skulpturen... alles hier ist Kunst.Das Gebäude ist ordnungsgemäß an die Strom-, Gas-, Telefon- und Wasserleitungen angeschlossen.Der Preis umfasst alle Möbel, Einrichtungsgegenstände, Gemälde, Skulpturen und Ornamente. Warum Eigentum kaufen? Weil der Preis günstig ist und weil es sich um eine einzigartige Immobilie handelt.Das Anwesen befindet sich nur wenige Gehminuten vom Ort Paciano und nur 3 Kilometer vom Ort Panicale entfernt. Sehr gute Erreichbarkeit, aber keinerlei Lärm oder störende Elemente. Nahezu absolute Privatsphäre und ungehinderter Blick über das Tal.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.Verkauft wird das gesamte Anwesen.
Argenteria is a place with an almost mystical soul. The two owners, designers by profession, have given life to their idea of living by condensing here all the passion and creativity gained in the course of travels and experiences in every corner of the world. On the outside, we wanted to keep the typical style of the farmhouse perfectly integrated with the landscape, but it is enough to cross the entrance to understand that we are faced with something uncommon. What is striking is the creative flair, the refinement of details, whether it is finishes, furnishings or space distribution, each environment surprises you, each room is an experience. A home for artists and dreamers. Outside, the Mediterranean scrub slowly gives way to a setting that may appear casual but which has actually been recreated and refined, made up of cascades of flowers, bushes, fruit trees, and olive trees. Everything is perfectly integrated and harmonious, pergolas, paths, dry stone walls. A place to fully experience the four seasons; during the winter we gather around the fireplace, in the spring we dedicate ourselves to planting the vegetable garden, during the hot summers mitigated by the air of the forest we bathe in the pool, finally in the autumn we do the olive harvest. The farmhouse measures 260 square meters in addition to funds / cellars for 60 square meters. There is a 50 sqm basement garage / warehouse and a wonderful 50 sqm iron and glass greenhouse. The land / garden, of about one hectare, has a well. Finally a beautiful swimming pool of mt. 6.50 x 12.50 heated, with purification plant for electrolysis. Only the BARE OWNERSHIP is for sale.Nothing has been left to chance, the style of the typical Umbrian farmhouse has been kept on the outside, but inside we find terracotta floors and walls from Morocco, exposed wooden floors, steps and details in pietra serena and wrought iron. Furniture and furnishing accessories are a collection of design pieces from every corner of the world (Avant de Dormir, Michelangeli, Lisa Corti, Valentino). Author paintings (Wiesendanger, Pozzati, Folon, Nespolo). Carpets, lamps, everything is art.The farmhouse is regularly connected to all utilities: electricity, natural gas heating, telephone and water.You invest by purchasing the BARE OWNERSHIP. The price includes all furniture, furnishing accessories, paintings, sculptures, furnishings. Why buy bare ownership? Because the price is advantageous and because we are talking about a unique property.The property is located a few steps from the village of Paciano and only 3 kilometers from that of Panicale. Extremely easy to access but complete absence of noise or disturbing elements. Almost total privacy and intact views of the valley.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral status of the property. This due diligence may be requested by the client at the time of real interest in the property.The BARE OWNERSHIP.
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
House & Single-family home
Property subtype:
Lot size:
106,832 sqft
Swimming pool: