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  • Montalto Pavese


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House & single-family home for sale in Montalto Pavese

House & Single-family home (For sale)

55 ba
75,347 sqft
Reference: RLHP-T813 / 0635
This splendid castle is for sale near Milan which was built in 1593 on the ruins of the old east tower, still visible today. Built on a U shape plan, this castle for sale has a total living surface of 6500 m2. Built with bare brick, the estate features a central body and two wings marked by two square towers overlooking a courtyard with a breath taking view. The building is surrounded by two gardens: one positioned has an Italian style layout with box hedges, lawns, lanes, lemon nurseries and statues of gods and nymphs. On the other side thereis an English style garden, with larch tree woods, oaks and chestnut trees. The main floor of the castle has richly decorated halls, with frescos and finely furnished, refined drawing rooms and elegant dining rooms. A perfectly functional puppet theatre and a small internal chapel. On the first floor there are a large number of bedrooms each with en- suite bathroom. ref. 0635 View more View less Construit en 1593 sur les vestiges d'une ancienne forteresse de 1200, ce splendide château à la périphérie de Milan est à vendre. De plan en U, le château à vendre dispose d'une surface habitable de 6 500 mètres carrés. Une route de 3 km traverse le parc privé qui mène au château au sommet de la colline. Le bâtiment est entièrement entouré de verdure: en fait, il y a deux jardins, l'un au sud et l'autre au nord. À l'intérieur aussi, le château possède des salles richement décorées de fresques et meublées, des salons raffinés, des salles à manger élégantes et un théâtre avec ses marionnettes encore en activité, ainsi qu'une petite chapelle interne. Les écuries, qui comprennent trois carrosses d'époque dont tous les harnais sont encore conservés, accompagnent le prestigieux château à vendre à Milan. réf. 0635 Edificato nel 1593 sui resti di un'antica rocca del 1200 questo splendido castello alle porte di Milano è in vendita. Con una pianta a U, il castello in vendita vanta una superficie abitabile di ben 6.500 mq. Una strada di 3 km, attraversa il parco privato che conduce al castello posto in cima alla collina. L'edificio è completamente immerso nel verde: due infatti sono i giardini, uno posto a sud e l'altro sul lato nord. Anche internamente il castello vanta saloni riccamente affrescati e arredati, salotti raffinati, stanze da pranzo eleganti e un teatro con le sue marionette ancora funzionanti, oltre a una piccola cappella interna. Corredano il prestigioso castello in vendita a Milano le scuderie, che comprendono tre carrozze d'epoca con ancora conservati tutti i finimenti. rif. 0635 Великолепный замок, расположенный рядом с Миланом и построенный в в конце 16-го века на развалинах старинной крепости. До конца девятнадцатого века принадлежала одному из самых влиятельных семейств Ломбардии, а затем стала местом, где проводились различные культурные мероприятия, гостями замка были такие знаменитые персонажи как Алессандро Вольта, Антонио Скарпа и Лоренцо Маскерони. В начале двадцатого века замок был полностью и тщательно реставрирован и преобразован в частную резиденцию. каждая деталь внутреннего интерьера была тщательно продумана и доведена до совершенства. Также были проведены работы по обновлению парка согласно старинным рисункам и планам начала 18-го века года работы Джованни Антонио Венерони. Здание в форме буквы U, центральный корпус которого обрамляют два крыла увенчанные двумя квадратными смотровыми башнями. С террас замка открываются великолепные виды на окрестные холмы. This splendid castle is for sale near Milan which was built in 1593 on the ruins of the old east tower, still visible today. Built on a U shape plan, this castle for sale has a total living surface of 6500 m2. Built with bare brick, the estate features a central body and two wings marked by two square towers overlooking a courtyard with a breath taking view. The building is surrounded by two gardens: one positioned has an Italian style layout with box hedges, lawns, lanes, lemon nurseries and statues of gods and nymphs. On the other side thereis an English style garden, with larch tree woods, oaks and chestnut trees. The main floor of the castle has richly decorated halls, with frescos and finely furnished, refined drawing rooms and elegant dining rooms. A perfectly functional puppet theatre and a small internal chapel. On the first floor there are a large number of bedrooms each with en- suite bathroom. ref. 0635
Reference: RLHP-T813
Country: IT
Region: Pavia
City: Montalto Pavese
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property size: 75,347 sqft
Rooms: 55
Bathrooms: 55
Parkings: 1
Balcony: Yes
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