USD 454,868
USD 433,208
USD 346,566
USD 432,124
On the ground floor of the residential building there will be living rooms: a living room with a kitchen and a dining room (36.39 m2), one bathroom and a laundry room, and an entrance area with an internal staircase leading to the first floor.
On the first floor of the building, there will be night rooms: 3 bedrooms (area 15.57m2, 11.50m2, 11.40m2), 1 bathroom, a storage room and a common hall.
The roof of the building will be a sloping gable wooden roof (slope 22%).The undeveloped part of the plot will be horticulturally arranged by planting trees and other indigenous plants.
A minimum of 20% of the parcel will be arranged as a green area.Anticipated heating and cooling with a water/air heat pump system.
The rooms on the ground floor will be heated by underfloor heating and cooled by wall fan coils.
The rooms on the 1st floor will be heated and cooled by parapet fan coil units, except for the bathroom, which
will have built-in underfloor heating.The house is located in the old, centuries-old heart of Prek, just a few minutes' walk from the beach and all the facilities that this idyllic seaside place offers.
Preko is a typical Dalmatian fishing village with Mediterranean charm. It is known for its picturesque stone houses, narrow streets and traditional fishing boats. The central part of the settlement is the old part of the town, where there is a church, shops, restaurants and cafes. The crystal clear sea and peaceful atmosphere attract tourists who are looking for a relaxing vacation in untouched nature. The island of Ugljan is known for its rich vegetation, olive groves, vineyards and forests, which provides opportunities for exploring the island's natural beauty.
Preko is also a good starting point for exploring other parts of the island of Ugljan. You can take a walk or rent a bike and explore the picturesque paths that lead to other villages on the island. There are also numerous nautical centers that offer the possibility to rent boats and explore nearby islets and hidden bays.Documentation and ownership in order, without encumbrances.
All other information on request.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
Contact: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-217Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: View more View less Location: Zadarska županija, Preko, Preko.Zum Verkauf steht ein Haus im Rohbau-Design mit einer Nettonutzfläche von 114,55 m2 (60,64 m2 im Erdgeschoss und 53,91 m2 im ersten Stock).Ihr zukünftiges Zuhause wird so gebaut, dass es zwei oberirdische Stockwerke (Pr+1) mit einer Wohneinheit hat und auf einem Grundstück von 342 m2 gebaut wird.
Im Erdgeschoss des Wohngebäudes werden sich Wohnräume befinden: ein Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer (36,39 m2), ein Badezimmer und eine Waschküche sowie ein Eingangsbereich mit einer Innentreppe, die in den ersten Stock führt.
Im ersten Stock des Gebäudes werden sich Nachträume befinden: 3 Schlafzimmer (Fläche 15,57 m2, 11,50 m2, 11,40 m2), 1 Badezimmer, ein Abstellraum und ein Gemeinschaftsraum.
Das Dach des Gebäudes wird ein geneigtes Satteldach aus Holz sein (Neigung 22 %).Der unbebaute Teil des Grundstücks wird durch die Pflanzung von Bäumen und anderen einheimischen Pflanzen gärtnerisch gestaltet.
Mindestens 20 % der Parzelle werden als Grünfläche angelegt.Voraussichtliches Heizen und Kühlen mit einem Wasser/Luft-Wärmepumpensystem.
Die Räume im Erdgeschoss werden über eine Fußbodenheizung beheizt und über Wand-Fan-Coils gekühlt.
Die Räume im 1. Obergeschoss werden über Brüstungs-Gebläsekonvektoren beheizt und gekühlt, mit Ausnahme des Badezimmers
wird über eine eingebaute Fußbodenheizung verfügen.Das Haus liegt im alten, jahrhundertealten Kern von Prek, nur wenige Gehminuten vom Strand und allen Einrichtungen entfernt, die dieser idyllische Ort am Meer bietet.
Preko ist ein typisch dalmatinisches Fischerdorf mit mediterranem Charme. Es ist bekannt für seine malerischen Steinhäuser, engen Gassen und traditionellen Fischerboote. Der zentrale Teil der Siedlung ist die Altstadt, wo es eine Kirche, Geschäfte, Restaurants und Cafés gibt. Das kristallklare Meer und die friedliche Atmosphäre ziehen Touristen an, die einen erholsamen Urlaub in unberührter Natur suchen. Die Insel Ugljan ist für ihre üppige Vegetation, Olivenhaine, Weinberge und Wälder bekannt, die Möglichkeiten zur Erkundung der natürlichen Schönheit der Insel bieten.
Preko ist auch ein guter Ausgangspunkt für die Erkundung anderer Teile der Insel Ugljan. Sie können einen Spaziergang machen oder ein Fahrrad mieten und die malerischen Wege erkunden, die zu anderen Dörfern der Insel führen. Es gibt auch zahlreiche Wassersportzentren, die die Möglichkeit bieten, Boote zu mieten und umliegende Inseln und versteckte Buchten zu erkunden.Dokumentation und Eigentum in Ordnung, ohne Belastungen.
Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage.
Besichtigung nach vorheriger Absprache möglich.
Kontakt: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-217Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Preko, Preko.Prodaje se kuća u roh-bau izvedbi neto korisne površine 114,55 m2 (60,64m2 prizemlja i 53,91m2 na katu).Vaš budući dom se gradi tako da ima dvije nadzemne etaže (Pr+1), s jednom stambenom jedinicom, a gradi se na zemljištu površine 342 m2.
U prizemlju stambene građevine nalaziti će se dnevne prostorije: dnevni boravak s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom (36,39 m2), jedna kupaonica i praonica, te ulazni prostor s unutarnjim stubištem koje vodi na kat.
Na katu građevine nalaziti će se noćne prostorije: 3 spavaće sobe ( površina 15,57m2, 11,50m2, 11,40m2), 1 kupaonica, spremište i zajedničko predsoblje.
Krov građevine će biti kosi dvostrešni drveni krov (nagiba 22%).Neizgrađeni dio čestice će se hortikulturno urediti sadnjom drveća i ostalog autohtonog bilja.
Minimalno 20% čestice biti će uređeno kao zelena površina.Predviđeno grijanje i hlađenje sustavom dizalice topline voda/zrak.
Prostorije prizemlja će se grijati podnim grijanjem i hladiti zidnim ventilokonvektorima.
Prostorije 1. kata će se grijati i hladiti parapetnim ventilokonvektorima, osim kupaonice koja
će imati ugrađeno podno grijanje.Kuća se nalazi u staroj, stoljetnoj jezgi Preka, svega nekoliko minuta hoda od plaže i svih sadržaja koje ovo idilično primorsko mjesto pruža.
Preko je tipično dalmatinsko ribarsko naselje s mediteranskim šarmom. Poznat je po svojim slikovitim kamenim kućama, uskim ulicama i tradicionalnim ribarskim brodicama. Središnji dio naselja je stari dio grada, gdje se nalaze crkva, trgovine, restorani i kafići. Kristalno čisto more i mirna atmosfera privlače turiste koji traže opuštajući odmor u netaknutoj prirodi. Otok Ugljan je poznat po svojoj bogatoj vegetaciji, maslinicima, vinogradima i šumama, što pruža mogućnosti za istraživanje prirodnih ljepota otoka.
Preko je također dobra polazna točka za istraživanje drugih dijelova otoka Ugljana. Možete se prošetati ili iznajmiti bicikl i istražiti slikovite staze koje vode do drugih sela na otoku. Tu su i brojni nautički centri koji pružaju mogućnost za iznajmljivanje brodova i istraživanje obližnjih otočića i skrivenih uvala.Dokumentacija i vlasništvo uredno, bez tereta.
Sve ostale informacije na upit.
Razgled moguć uz prethodni dogovor.
Kontakt: Emil Perović +38598633617ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501020-217Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Preko, Preko. Location: Zadarska županija, Preko, Preko.A house for sale in a Rohbau design with a net usable area of 114.55 m2 (60.64m2 on the ground floor and 53.91m2 on the first floor).Your future home is being built so that it has two above-ground floors (Pr+1), with one residential unit, and it is being built on a plot of land of 342 m2.
On the ground floor of the residential building there will be living rooms: a living room with a kitchen and a dining room (36.39 m2), one bathroom and a laundry room, and an entrance area with an internal staircase leading to the first floor.
On the first floor of the building, there will be night rooms: 3 bedrooms (area 15.57m2, 11.50m2, 11.40m2), 1 bathroom, a storage room and a common hall.
The roof of the building will be a sloping gable wooden roof (slope 22%).The undeveloped part of the plot will be horticulturally arranged by planting trees and other indigenous plants.
A minimum of 20% of the parcel will be arranged as a green area.Anticipated heating and cooling with a water/air heat pump system.
The rooms on the ground floor will be heated by underfloor heating and cooled by wall fan coils.
The rooms on the 1st floor will be heated and cooled by parapet fan coil units, except for the bathroom, which
will have built-in underfloor heating.The house is located in the old, centuries-old heart of Prek, just a few minutes' walk from the beach and all the facilities that this idyllic seaside place offers.
Preko is a typical Dalmatian fishing village with Mediterranean charm. It is known for its picturesque stone houses, narrow streets and traditional fishing boats. The central part of the settlement is the old part of the town, where there is a church, shops, restaurants and cafes. The crystal clear sea and peaceful atmosphere attract tourists who are looking for a relaxing vacation in untouched nature. The island of Ugljan is known for its rich vegetation, olive groves, vineyards and forests, which provides opportunities for exploring the island's natural beauty.
Preko is also a good starting point for exploring other parts of the island of Ugljan. You can take a walk or rent a bike and explore the picturesque paths that lead to other villages on the island. There are also numerous nautical centers that offer the possibility to rent boats and explore nearby islets and hidden bays.Documentation and ownership in order, without encumbrances.
All other information on request.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
Contact: Emil Perović +38598633617ID CODE: 300501020-217Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173