USD 133,211
22,023 sqft
Ideal for building a family house or a tourist facility with accompanying content.Land with a total area of 2451 m2, of which 300 m2 is agricultural land.
There are 3 buildings built before 1968 on the land.
Two buildings are ruins, while one building has been converted into a tavern.The land has access from a side road and luxury villas with swimming pools are already being built nearby.
It is located in an attractive, yet very quiet location.
Secluded from the noise of the main road and surrounded by family houses.Recently, this area has seen an increase in the construction of luxury holiday villas, primarily due to the location of this settlement, which provides a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, yet not so far from the urban center of Zadar.Electricity and water infrastructure is located right next to the field.
Ownership neat, 1/1.
Additional information on request.ID CODE: 300501019-191Ivan Budija
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 506 59 63
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: View more View less Location: Zadarska županija, Zemunik Donji, Zemunik Donji.NEU AUF DEM MARKT!Ein Baugrundstück von 2451 m2 in Zemunik Donji steht zum Verkauf.
Ideal für den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses oder einer touristischen Einrichtung mit dazugehörigem Inhalt.Grundstück mit einer Gesamtfläche von 2451 m2, davon 300 m2 landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche.
Auf dem Grundstück befinden sich 3 Gebäude, die vor 1968 gebaut wurden.
Zwei Gebäude sind Ruinen, während ein Gebäude in eine Taverne umgewandelt wurde.Das Grundstück ist über eine Nebenstraße zugänglich und in der Nähe werden bereits Luxusvillen mit Swimmingpools gebaut.
Es befindet sich in attraktiver und dennoch sehr ruhiger Lage.
Abgeschieden vom Lärm der Hauptstraße und umgeben von Einfamilienhäusern.In letzter Zeit ist in dieser Gegend ein Anstieg des Baus von Luxus-Ferienvillen zu verzeichnen, vor allem aufgrund der Lage dieser Siedlung, die eine friedliche und entspannende Atmosphäre bietet und dennoch nicht weit vom Stadtzentrum von Zadar entfernt ist.Die Strom- und Wasserinfrastruktur befindet sich direkt neben dem Feld.
Besitz ordentlich, 1/1.
Weitere Informationen auf Anfrage.ID CODE: 300501019-191Ivan Budija
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 506 59 63
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Zemunik Donji, Zemunik Donji.NOVO NA TRŽIŠTU!Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište površine 2451 m2 u Zemuniku Donjem.
Idealno za gradnju obiteljske kuće ili objekta turističke namjene s popratnim sadržajem.Zemljište ukupne površine 2451 m2, od toga 300 m2 ulazi u poljoprivredno zemljište.
Na zemljištu se nalaze 3 objekta izgrađena prije 1968. godine.
Dva objekta su ruševine, dok je jedan objekt preuređen u konobu.Zemljište ima pristup sa sporedne ceste i u blizini se već grade luksuzne vile s bazenom.
Nalazi se na atraktivnoj, a opet jako mirnoj lokaciji.
Povučeno od buke glavne prometnice i okruženo obiteljskim kućama.U zadnje vrijeme ovaj kraj bilježi povećanu gradnju luksuznih villa za odmor, prvenstveno zbog lokacije ovog naselja, koje pružaju mirnu i opuštajuću atmosferu, a ipak ne tako daleko od urbanog centra Zadra.Infrastruktura struje i vode se nalazi odmah uz teren.
Vlasništvo uredno, 1/1.
Dodatne informacije na upit.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501019-191Ivan Budija
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 506 59 63
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Zemunik Donji, Zemunik Donji. Location: Zadarska županija, Zemunik Donji, Zemunik Donji.NEW ON THE MARKET!A building plot of 2451 m2 in Zemunik Donji is for sale.
Ideal for building a family house or a tourist facility with accompanying content.Land with a total area of 2451 m2, of which 300 m2 is agricultural land.
There are 3 buildings built before 1968 on the land.
Two buildings are ruins, while one building has been converted into a tavern.The land has access from a side road and luxury villas with swimming pools are already being built nearby.
It is located in an attractive, yet very quiet location.
Secluded from the noise of the main road and surrounded by family houses.Recently, this area has seen an increase in the construction of luxury holiday villas, primarily due to the location of this settlement, which provides a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, yet not so far from the urban center of Zadar.Electricity and water infrastructure is located right next to the field.
Ownership neat, 1/1.
Additional information on request.ID CODE: 300501019-191Ivan Budija
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 506 59 63
Tel: 053 560 173