Land (For sale)
879,336 sqft
/ 101912101
Yavlena Agency offers a plot of land with an area of 81693 sq.m. in the area of the town of Sofia. Vidin. The property was previously used as a military base for the production of weapons. After its closure, activities related to the processing and extraction of fuels began to develop on the territory of the property. We have a well-preserved and well-maintained administrative building, warehouses and production premises. For the property there is a preliminary design for a photovoltaic system with a generated power of 3.6 MW and a transformer station, as well as for Smart Parking with a gas station, a restaurant and even the possibility of accommodation. Pl. Str. up to 80% KINT up to 2.5 Pozel. Min. 20% If you need additional information, please contact Dimo Kolev. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
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Агенция Явлена предлага УПИ с площ от 81693 кв.м. в района на гр. Видин. Имотът преди се е ползвал като военна база с цел производство на оръжия. След закриването й, на територията на имота започва да се развива дейност свързана с преработка и добив на горива. Разполагаме с добре запазена и отлично поддържана административна сграда, складови и производствени помещения. За имота има изготвен идеен проект за Фотоволтаична система с генерирана мощност от 3.6 MW и трафопост, както и за Smart Parking с бензиностанция, ресторант и дори възможност за настаняване. Пл. застр. до 80% КИНТ до 2.5 Позел. мин. 20% При нужда от допълнителна информация, моля свържете се с Димо Колев. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
Yavlena Agency offers a plot of land with an area of 81693 sq.m. in the area of the town of Sofia. Vidin. The property was previously used as a military base for the production of weapons. After its closure, activities related to the processing and extraction of fuels began to develop on the territory of the property. We have a well-preserved and well-maintained administrative building, warehouses and production premises. For the property there is a preliminary design for a photovoltaic system with a generated power of 3.6 MW and a transformer station, as well as for Smart Parking with a gas station, a restaurant and even the possibility of accommodation. Pl. Str. up to 80% KINT up to 2.5 Pozel. Min. 20% If you need additional information, please contact Dimo Kolev. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
A Agência Yavlena oferece um terreno com uma área de 81693 m². na área da cidade de Sofia. Vidin. A propriedade foi usada anteriormente como base militar para a produção de armas. Após o seu encerramento, começaram a desenvolver-se atividades relacionadas com o processamento e extração de combustíveis no território da propriedade. Temos um prédio administrativo bem preservado e bem conservado, armazéns e instalações de produção. Para o imóvel existe um projeto preliminar para um sistema fotovoltaico com uma potência gerada de 3,6 MW e um posto de transformação, bem como para Smart Parking com posto de gasolina, restaurante e ainda possibilidade de alojamento. Pl. Str. até 80% KINT até 2,5 Pozel. Min. 20% Se precisar de informações adicionais, entre em contato com Dimo Kolev. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
Yavlena Agency ofrece un terreno con una superficie de 81693 metros cuadrados. en la zona de la ciudad de Sofía. Vidin. La propiedad fue utilizada anteriormente como base militar para la producción de armas. Luego de su cierre, comenzaron a desarrollarse actividades relacionadas con el procesamiento y extracción de combustibles en el territorio de la propiedad. Contamos con un edificio administrativo, almacenes y locales de producción bien conservados y bien mantenidos. Para la propiedad hay un anteproyecto para un sistema fotovoltaico con una potencia generada de 3,6 MW y una estación transformadora, así como para Smart Parking con una gasolinera, un restaurante e incluso la posibilidad de alojamiento. Pl. Str. hasta 80% KINT hasta 2.5 Pozel. Min. 20% Si necesita información adicional, póngase en contacto con Dimo Kolev. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
L’agence Yavlena vous propose un terrain d’une superficie de 81693 m². dans la région de Fr. Vidin. La propriété était auparavant utilisée comme base militaire dans le but de produire des armes. Après sa fermeture, sur le territoire du bien ont commencé à se développer des activités liées au traitement et à l’extraction du combustible. Nous disposons d’un bâtiment administratif, d’entrepôts et d’installations de production bien conservés et bien entretenus. Pour la propriété, il existe un projet conceptuel pour une installation photovoltaïque d’une capacité générée de 3,6 MW et une sous-station électrique, ainsi que pour Smart Parking avec une station-service, un restaurant et même la possibilité d’un hébergement. Pl. Str. jusqu’à 80% KINT à 2,5 Pozel. Min. 20% Si vous avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires, veuillez contacter Dimo Kolev. (yavlenaCOM/142286).
Listing type:
For sale
Property type:
Property size:
879,336 sqft