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  • Vodice


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House & single-family home for sale in Vodice

USD 1,401,069

House & Single-family home (For sale)

3,068 sqft
lot 6,501 sqft
Reference: EDEN-T98361665 / 98361665

Welcome to your oasis of elegance and luxury, located in the beautiful surroundings of Vodice, Dalmatia. This impressive villa is a prime example of a luxury property that combines sophisticated design with maximum functionality and offers you an unforgettable living or holiday experience.

Located in the prestigious part of Vodice, this villa offers you privileged access to the vibrant Mediterranean surroundings, crystal clear sea and nearby facilities.
Impressive building plot area of 604 m2, ideal for generous living space or additional facilities such as swimming pool or gardens. This villa blends discreetly into its surroundings and consists of a basement, a ground floor and an upper floor, giving you plenty of space to suit different needs and lifestyles.

The gross area of the ground floor is 182.55 m2 while the net area is 138.53 m2, offering you a spacious open plan living area, kitchen, dining room and much more.

Upstairs there is a gross area of 102.45 m2, with a net area of 92.60 m2, ideal for private bedrooms, a study or other needs.
Every detail of this villa has been carefully designed to meet the highest standards of luxury and comfort. From elegant lines to sophisticated details, every moment spent in this villa reflects design perfection.

Large window areas and generous open spaces create a feeling of airiness and light while at the same time connecting the interior with the beautiful outdoor area.
The luxurious interior exudes warmth and elegance, combining modern design with high-quality materials and first-class furnishings.

Enjoy tranquil moments in a beautifully decorated garden surrounded by lush greenery and flower gardens, ideal for relaxing or spending time with family and friends.
This villa offers unobstructed views of the endless blue sea and the Kornati Islands, creating an inspiring backdrop for every moment spent within.

Numerous attractions such as beautiful beaches, exclusive restaurants, shops and cultural institutions are nearby, offering you the opportunity to enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle every day.

This villa is not only a home but also a smart investment with excellent return potential whether you use it for personal purposes or as a luxury tourist destination.
Surrounded by high walls and lush greenery, this villa offers you complete privacy and a sense of security, allowing you to enjoy every moment without distractions.

This villa is an exceptional property that combines opulent design, supreme comfort and priceless location value, creating the perfect backdrop for your most treasured experiences. Now is the time to realize your dreams of living in luxury in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Construction description:

The construction of this villa involves a combination of different materials and technologies to ensure high living quality and comfort. Here is an overview of the most important elements:

1. **Building Construction**: The combination of concrete and brick with load-bearing walls 25cm thick ensures strength and stability.
2. **Facade**: Partially ventilated facade with decorative cladding made of Trespa or MaxCompact panels and partly the ETICS system ensures an aesthetically pleasing appearance and improved thermal insulation.
3. **Exterior carpentry**: Aluminum carpentry with TERMO 85 and TERMO 150 profiles ensures good insulation and durability.
4. **Windows and Doors**: Large sliding walls with low-E triple-layer glass on the ground floor and shutters on the upper floors add to the aesthetics and functionality.
5. **Floors**: The combination of luxury ceramics and parquet creates an aesthetically and functionally attractive floor covering.
6. **Air conditioning**: The entire house is air-conditioned with a multi-split system in all rooms to ensure a pleasant indoor climate.
7. **Heating and hot water production**: The heat pump is used for heating and hot water production, which ensures energy efficiency and cost reduction.
8. **Electric underfloor heating in bathrooms**: Provides additional comfort and a pleasant floor temperature in bathrooms.
9. **Automation**: The plan is to implement the SmartHome system for lighting automation and prepare for the installation of sound system speakers.
10. **Preparation for photovoltaic cells**: Preparation for photovoltaic cells is planned on the roofs to enable the use of renewable energy and reduce electricity costs.
11. **Pool heatingung**: Full preparation for pool heating allows you to enjoy the pool all year round.

This detailed building description underlines the high standards of quality, comfort and energy efficiency of the property offered for sale.

Building plot area 604 m2
Gross/net area ground floor = 182.55 m2 / 138.53 m2
Gross/net area = 102.45 m2 / 92.60 m2
VILLA 2 Total gross/net area = 285.00 m2 / 231.13 m2

For more information and to organize a visit, please contact us. Your future begins here, in this pre-racing villa in Vodice, Dalmatia.

Do not miss this opportunity.

Contact us with confidence.

ID CODE: DA100062292

Ante Goleš
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/222-3054
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Terrace
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Garage
- Balcony

Willkommen in Ihrer Oase der Eleganz und des Luxus, gelegen in der wunderschönen Umgebung von Vodice, Dalmatien. Diese imposante Villa ist ein Paradebeispiel für eine Luxusimmobilie, die anspruchsvolles Design mit höchster Funktionalität verbindet und Ihnen ein unvergessliches Wohn- oder Urlaubserlebnis bietet.

Diese Villa liegt im prestigeträchtigen Teil von Vodice und bietet Ihnen privilegierten Zugang zur lebendigen mediterranen Umgebung, zum kristallklaren Meer und zu nahe gelegenen Einrichtungen.
Beeindruckende Baugrundstücksfläche von 604 m2, ideal für großzügigen Wohnraum oder zusätzliche Einrichtungen wie Schwimmbad oder Gärten. Diese Villa fügt sich dezent in die Umgebung ein und besteht aus einem Untergeschoss, einem Erdgeschoss und einem Obergeschoss, sodass Sie viel Platz für unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und Lebensstile haben.

Die Bruttofläche des Erdgeschosses beträgt 182,55 m2, während die Nettofläche 138,53 m2 beträgt und Ihnen einen geräumigen offenen Wohnbereich, eine Küche, ein Esszimmer und vieles mehr bietet.

Im Obergeschoss gibt es eine Bruttofläche von 102,45 m2, mit einer Nettofläche von 92,60 m2, ideal für private Schlafzimmer, ein Arbeitszimmer oder andere Bedürfnisse.
Jedes Detail dieser Villa wurde sorgfältig entworfen, um den höchsten Ansprüchen an Luxus und Komfort gerecht zu werden. Von eleganten Linien bis hin zu raffinierten Details spiegelt jeder in dieser Villa verbrachte Moment Designperfektion wider.

Große Fensterflächen und großzügige Freiflächen sorgen für ein Gefühl von Luftigkeit und Licht und verbinden gleichzeitig den Innenraum mit dem schönen Außenbereich.
Das luxuriöse Interieur strahlt Wärme und Eleganz aus und kombiniert modernes Design mit hochwertigen Materialien und erstklassiger Ausstattung.

Genießen Sie ruhige Momente in einem wunderschön dekorierten Garten, umgeben von üppigem Grün und Blumengärten, ideal zum Entspannen oder zum Verbringen von Zeit mit Familie und Freunden.
Diese Villa bietet einen ungehinderten Blick auf das endlose blaue Meer und die Kornaten und schafft eine inspirierende Kulisse für jeden darin verbrachten Moment.

Zahlreiche Sehenswürdigkeiten wie wunderschöne Strände, exklusive Restaurants, Geschäfte und kulturelle Einrichtungen befinden sich in der Nähe und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, den mediterranen Lebensstil jeden Tag zu genießen.

Diese Villa ist nicht nur ein Zuhause, sondern auch eine intelligente Investition mit hervorragendem Renditepotenzial, unabhängig davon, ob Sie sie für persönliche Zwecke oder als luxuriöses Touristenziel nutzen.
Umgeben von hohen Mauern und üppigem Grün bietet Ihnen diese Villa absolute Privatsphäre und ein Gefühl der Sicherheit, sodass Sie jeden Moment ohne Ablenkung genießen können.

Diese Villa ist ein außergewöhnliches Anwesen, das opulentes Design, höchsten Komfort und einen unbezahlbaren Standortwert vereint und so die perfekte Kulisse für Ihre wertvollsten Erlebnisse schafft. Jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, Ihre Träume vom Leben in Luxus an einem der schönsten Orte der Welt zu verwirklichen.

Der Bau dieser Villa umfasst eine Kombination verschiedener Materialien und Technologien, um hohe Wohnqualität und Wohnkomfort zu gewährleisten. Hier ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Elemente:

1. **Gebäudekonstruktion**: Die Kombination aus Beton und Ziegel mit tragenden Wänden von 25 cm Dicke sorgt für Festigkeit und Stabilität.
2. **Fassade**: Teilweise hinterlüftete Fassade mit dekorativen Verkleidungen aus Trespa- oder MaxCompact-Platten und teilweise dem WDVS-System sorgt für ein ästhetisch ansprechendes Erscheinungsbild und eine verbesserte Wärmedämmung.
3. **Außenschreinerei**: Die Aluminiumschreinerei mit den Profilen TERMO 85 und TERMO 150 gewährleistet eine gute Isolierung und Haltbarkeit.
4. **Fenster und Türen**: Große Schiebewände mit Low-E-Dreischichtglas im Erdgeschoss und Fensterläden in den Obergeschossen tragen zur Ästhetik und Funktionalität bei.
5. **Böden**: Die Kombination aus Luxuskeramik und Parkett sorgt für einen ästhetisch und funktional attraktiven Bodenbelag.
6. **Klimaanlage**: Das gesamte Haus wird mit einem Multisplit-System in allen Räumen klimatisiert, um ein angenehmes Raumklima zu gewährleisten.
7. **Heizung und Warmwasserbereitung**: Die Wärmepumpe wird zum Heizen und Warmwasserbereitung eingesetzt, was Energieeffizienz und Kostenreduzierung gewährleistet.
8. **Elektrische Fußbodenheizung in Badezimmern**: Sorgt für zusätzlichen Komfort und eine angenehme Bodentemperatur in Badezimmern.
9. **Automatisierung**: Geplant ist die Implementierung des SmartHome-Systems zur Lichtautomatisierung und Vorbereitung für den Einbau von Soundsystem-Lautsprechern.
10. **Vorbereitung für Photovoltaikzellen**: Auf den Dächern ist eine Vorbereitung für Photovoltaikzellen geplant, um die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien zu ermöglichen und die Stromkosten zu senken.
11. **Poolheizung**: Durch die vollständige Vorbereitung für die Poolheizung können Sie den Pool das ganze Jahr über genießen.

Diese detaillierte Baubeschreibung unterstreicht den hohen Anspruch an Qualität, Komfort und Energieeffizienz der zum Verkauf angebotenen Immobilie.

Baugrundstücksfläche 604 m2
Brutto-/Nettofläche Erdgeschoss = 182,55 m2 / 138,53 m2
Brutto-/Nettofläche = 102,45 m2 / 92,60 m2
VILLA 2 Gesamtbrutto-/Nettofläche = 285,00 m2 / 231,13 m2

Für weitere Informationen und die Organisation eines Besuchs kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. Ihre Zukunft beginnt hier, in diesem PrekRennvilla in Vodice, Dalmatien.

Lassen Sie sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen.

Kontaktieren Sie uns vertrauensvoll.

ID CODE: DA100062292

Ante Goleš
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/222-3054
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Terrace
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Garage
- Balcony

Dobrodošli u vašu oazu elegancije i raskoši, smještenu u predivnom okruženju Vodica, Dalmacija. Ova impozantna vila predstavlja vrhunski primjer luksuzne nekretnine koja spaja sofisticirani dizajn s vrhunskom funkcionalnošću, pružajući vam nezaboravno iskustvo stanovanja ili odmora.

Smještena u prestižnom dijelu Vodica, ova vila pruža vam privilegirani pristup živopisnom mediteranskom okruženju, kristalno čistom moru i obližnjim sadržajima.
Impresivna površina građevinske parcele od 604 m2, idealna za prostrani životni prostor ili dodatne sadržaje poput bazena ili vrtova. Ova vila je suptilno uklopljena u okoliš i sastoji se od suterena, prizemlja i kata, pružajući vam obilje prostora za različite potrebe i životne stilove.

Bruto površina prizemlja iznosi 182,55 m2, dok neto površina iznosi 138,53 m2, pružajući vam prostrani dnevni prostor s otvorenim planom, kuhinju, blagovaonicu i još mnogo toga.

Na katu se nalazi bruto površina od 102,45 m2, s neto površinom također od 92,60m2, idealno za privatne spavaće sobe, radnu sobu ili bilo koje druge potrebe.
Svaki detalj ove vile pažljivo je osmišljen kako bi zadovoljio najviše standarde luksuza i udobnosti. Od elegantnih linija do sofisticiranih detalja, svaki trenutak proveden u ovoj vili oslikava savršenstvo dizajna.

Velike prozorske površine i prostrani otvoreni prostori stvaraju osjećaj prozračnosti i svjetlosti, istovremeno povezujući unutrašnjost s prekrasnim vanjskim prostorom.
Luksuzna unutrašnjost odiše toplinom i elegancijom, kombinirajući moderni dizajn s visokokvalitetnim materijalima i vrhunskom opremom.

Uživajte u mirnim trenucima u lijepo uređenom dvorištu, okruženom bujnim zelenilom i cvjetnim vrtovima, idealnom za opuštanje ili druženje s obitelji i prijateljima.
Ova vila nudi neometani pogled na beskrajno plavo more i Kornatsko otočje , stvarajući inspirativnu kulisu za svaki trenutak proveden u njoj.

U blizini su brojne atrakcije poput prekrasnih plaža, ekskluzivnih restorana, trgovina i kulturnih sadržaja, pružajući vam mogućnost da svakodnevno uživate u mediteranskom načinu života.

Ova vila nije samo dom, već i pametna investicija s izvrsnim potencijalom za povrat ulaganja, bilo da je koristite za osobne svrhe ili kao luksuznu turističku destinaciju.
Okružena visokim zidovima i bogatim zelenilom, ova vila pruža vam potpunu privatnost i osjećaj sigurnosti, omogućavajući vam da uživate u svakom trenutku bez ikakvih ometanja.

Ova vila je izvanredno nekretnina koje kombinira raskošan dizajn, vrhunsku udobnost i neprocjenjivu vrijednost lokacije, stvarajući tako savršenu kulisu za vaša najdragocjenija iskustva. Sada je pravo vrijeme da ostvarite svoje snove o životu u luksuzu u jednoj od najljepših lokacija na svijetu.
Opis gradnje:

Kod ove vile izgradnja obuhvaća kombinaciju različitih materijala i tehnologija kako bi se osigurala visoka kvaliteta i udobnost stanovanja. Evo pregleda ključnih elemenata:

1. **Konstrukcija zgrade**: Kombinacija betona i opeke s nosivim zidovima debljine 25 cm osigurava čvrstoću i stabilnost.
2. **Fasada**: Djelomično ventilirana fasada s dekorativnim oblogama od Trespa ili MaxCompact ploča, te dijelom ETICS sustav, pruža estetski privlačan izgled i poboljšanu toplinsku izolaciju.
3. **Vanjska stolarija**: Aluminijska stolarija s profilima TERMO 85 i TERMO 150 osigurava dobru izolaciju i trajnost.
4. **Prozori i vrata**: Velike klizne stijene s low-e troslojnim staklima u prizemlju te grilje na katovima doprinose estetici i funkcionalnosti.
5. **Podovi**: Kombinacija luksuzne keramike i parketa pruža estetski i funkcionalno privlačan podni pokrov.
6. **Klimatizacija**: Cijela kuća će biti klimatizirana multi-split sustavom u svim prostorijama za udobnu unutarnju klimu.
7. **Grijanje i priprema tople vode**: Dizalica topline će se koristiti za grijanje i pripremu tople vode, što osigurava energetsku učinkovitost i smanjenje troškova.
8. **Električno podno grijanje u kupaonicama**: Osigurava dodatnu udobnost i ugodnu temperaturu poda u kupaonicama.
9. **Automatizacija**: Planirana je izvedba SmartHome sustava za automatizaciju rasvjete i pripremu za ugradnju zvučnika za ozvučenje.
10. **Priprema za fotonaponske ćelije**: Na krovovima je planirana priprema za fotonaponske ćelije radi mogućnosti korištenja obnovljive energije i smanjenja troškova električne energije.
11. **Grijanje bazena**: Kompletna priprema za grijanje bazena omogućava uživanje u bazenu tijekom cijele godine.

Ovaj detaljni opis gradnje naglašava visoke standarde kvalitete, udobnosti i energetske učinkovitosti nekretnine koja se nudi na prodaju.

Površina građevinske parcele 604 m2
Prizemlje bruto/neto površina = 182,55 m2 / 138,53 m2
Kat bruto/neto površina = 102,45 m2 / 92,60 m2
VILA 2 ukupna bruto/neto površina = 285,00 m2 / 231,13 m2

Za više informacija i organizaciju posjeta, slobodno nas kontaktirajte. Vaša budućnost počinje ovdje, u ovoj prekrasnoj vili u Vodicama, Dalmacija.

Nemojte propustiti ovu priliku.

Obratite se nam s povjerenjem.


Ante Goleš
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/222-3054
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Terrace
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Garage
- Balcony
ID CODE: DA100062292

Ante Goleš
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/222-3054
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Terrace
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Garage
- Balcony

Welcome to your oasis of elegance and luxury, located in the beautiful surroundings of Vodice, Dalmatia. This impressive villa is a prime example of a luxury property that combines sophisticated design with maximum functionality and offers you an unforgettable living or holiday experience.

Located in the prestigious part of Vodice, this villa offers you privileged access to the vibrant Mediterranean surroundings, crystal clear sea and nearby facilities.
Impressive building plot area of 604 m2, ideal for generous living space or additional facilities such as swimming pool or gardens. This villa blends discreetly into its surroundings and consists of a basement, a ground floor and an upper floor, giving you plenty of space to suit different needs and lifestyles.

The gross area of the ground floor is 182.55 m2 while the net area is 138.53 m2, offering you a spacious open plan living area, kitchen, dining room and much more.

Upstairs there is a gross area of 102.45 m2, with a net area of 92.60 m2, ideal for private bedrooms, a study or other needs.
Every detail of this villa has been carefully designed to meet the highest standards of luxury and comfort. From elegant lines to sophisticated details, every moment spent in this villa reflects design perfection.

Large window areas and generous open spaces create a feeling of airiness and light while at the same time connecting the interior with the beautiful outdoor area.
The luxurious interior exudes warmth and elegance, combining modern design with high-quality materials and first-class furnishings.

Enjoy tranquil moments in a beautifully decorated garden surrounded by lush greenery and flower gardens, ideal for relaxing or spending time with family and friends.
This villa offers unobstructed views of the endless blue sea and the Kornati Islands, creating an inspiring backdrop for every moment spent within.

Numerous attractions such as beautiful beaches, exclusive restaurants, shops and cultural institutions are nearby, offering you the opportunity to enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle every day.

This villa is not only a home but also a smart investment with excellent return potential whether you use it for personal purposes or as a luxury tourist destination.
Surrounded by high walls and lush greenery, this villa offers you complete privacy and a sense of security, allowing you to enjoy every moment without distractions.

This villa is an exceptional property that combines opulent design, supreme comfort and priceless location value, creating the perfect backdrop for your most treasured experiences. Now is the time to realize your dreams of living in luxury in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Construction description:

The construction of this villa involves a combination of different materials and technologies to ensure high living quality and comfort. Here is an overview of the most important elements:

1. **Building Construction**: The combination of concrete and brick with load-bearing walls 25cm thick ensures strength and stability.
2. **Facade**: Partially ventilated facade with decorative cladding made of Trespa or MaxCompact panels and partly the ETICS system ensures an aesthetically pleasing appearance and improved thermal insulation.
3. **Exterior carpentry**: Aluminum carpentry with TERMO 85 and TERMO 150 profiles ensures good insulation and durability.
4. **Windows and Doors**: Large sliding walls with low-E triple-layer glass on the ground floor and shutters on the upper floors add to the aesthetics and functionality.
5. **Floors**: The combination of luxury ceramics and parquet creates an aesthetically and functionally attractive floor covering.
6. **Air conditioning**: The entire house is air-conditioned with a multi-split system in all rooms to ensure a pleasant indoor climate.
7. **Heating and hot water production**: The heat pump is used for heating and hot water production, which ensures energy efficiency and cost reduction.
8. **Electric underfloor heating in bathrooms**: Provides additional comfort and a pleasant floor temperature in bathrooms.
9. **Automation**: The plan is to implement the SmartHome system for lighting automation and prepare for the installation of sound system speakers.
10. **Preparation for photovoltaic cells**: Preparation for photovoltaic cells is planned on the roofs to enable the use of renewable energy and reduce electricity costs.
11. **Pool heatingung**: Full preparation for pool heating allows you to enjoy the pool all year round.

This detailed building description underlines the high standards of quality, comfort and energy efficiency of the property offered for sale.

Building plot area 604 m2
Gross/net area ground floor = 182.55 m2 / 138.53 m2
Gross/net area = 102.45 m2 / 92.60 m2
VILLA 2 Total gross/net area = 285.00 m2 / 231.13 m2

For more information and to organize a visit, please contact us. Your future begins here, in this pre-racing villa in Vodice, Dalmatia.

Do not miss this opportunity.

Contact us with confidence.

ID CODE: DA100062292

Ante Goleš
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099/222-3054
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Terrace
- SwimmingPool
- Parking
- Garage
- Balcony
Reference: EDEN-T98361665
Country: HR
City: Vodice
Postal code: 22211
Category: Residential
Listing type: For sale
Property type: House & Single-family home
Property size: 3,068 sqft
Lot size: 6,501 sqft
Rooms: 6
WC: 5
Parkings: 1
Garages: 1
Swimming pool: Yes
Balcony: Yes
Terrace: Yes


Contact us
USD US Dollar